Eksklusif Ersya Aurelia Balanced Acting Dan Healing Demi Karier

JAKARTA - Ersya Aurelia, who is involved in the world of soap operas, is now starting to move closer to the world of film. Broadly speaking, the scope of work is the same, but for Ersya, there are new challenges that she finds in the big screen industry.

He revealed this to VOI when discussing his latest film, Lecturer Ghaib: It's Night or Already Know. Ersya plays Amelia, a student who takes night classes with killer lecturer played by Egi Fedly.

"Amelia is a student who is quite intelligent, role model, likes to help parents work and she is diligent. So on campus, she becomes an assistant lecturer even though her lecturer is killer but she is active and diligent on campus. Among other friends, she is the most diligent," Ersya Aurelia said of her character.

Furthermore, this woman who was born on June 7 already knew the original story before the offer came. He also saw this film has its own uniqueness from existing horror films. He also revealed that Amelia was not the first role to be proposed to him.

"It's also fun if you make a film and I see the character is fun and unique. At first I casting not for Amelia's role but Maya, played (Annette Deoarda). From the start I read, why are you interested because the tension of the story is high and climax and building up to the climax is so exciting," he explained.

The film Lecturer Ghaib takes the background of stories that are dominated in the campus environment. According to him, this is different from most horror films that are usually set in houses or roadside areas.

"Usually filming horror at home or on the outskirts of cities and villages, and here in the city. Interestingly, the figure of your brother is not a woman. The lecturer, played by uncle Egi Fedly, is a male lecturer, a lecturer who is feared. How is the challenge that makes the audience afraid even though you are not a woman because you usually talk like that, "continued Ersya.

The 24-year-old actress also added that the film Lecturer Ghaib was developed from a short thread story. She said this film will show several points of view, starting from the main character, namely the four students to the lecturer who is considered a killer lecturer.

"I'm not the writer, but from the perspective of the cast by the author and the director takes every character and backstory. The lecturers also have their own backstory and trauma and I feel that this film covers various points of view, from my side and we can see from the lecturer side," said Ersya again.

So throughout our film we are brought to changing perspectives. We have different fields from other people. Because indeed the story that did not pass was these 4 people and they had to take the short semester. Actually not in the night class, just because of the lecturer, you know how the killer lecturer becomes in the night class," he said.

Ersya first collaborated with Guntur Soeharjanto thanks to this film, so he was happy because as a director, Guntur really helped him in developing Amelia's character.

"I am very happy to be able to work together with Mr. Guntur and Mr. Dheeraj. Mr. Guntur is very perfectionist and he knows what he wants. Every character he has to look more like and I feel more invited by Mr. Guntur to a horror scene," said Ersya.

I've shared a lot with him, how his roles have shortcomings. Each director has a preference for acting style, characteristics acting wisely and with Mr. Guntur, he wants to do this. Learn a lot from him who has a lot of experience, so exchange stories about experience," he continued.

Ersya Aurelia considers the film Lecturer Ghaib: It's late or Already Tofu not only tells horror stories but also shows a Thriler and gore side. He also added that this film has an action side.

I feel that this film will be horror mixed with thriller mixed with the gore. It also adds a little action because this is the first time I've played a film with action using a sling, other friends also use a sling. There was a scene I was thrown and it was really fast. The process is long, for the scene is 2-3 days even though the process is fast," he said.

This is the first time I've got a pretty tough action scene even though my friends may get a heavier one. I got a sling from the 1st floor, but because of a lot of action scenes, I got a lot of injuries and blue bruises," he said.

"There is a scene where I'm really in pain, it can be an emphasize scene, but it's fun to have an exciting experience because there are wounds where I can't control, it's just exciting and I'm happy to be working with Anet, Rayn, Rendi, Om Egi and they are professional and give positive vibes at the location," continued Ersya.

The soap opera actor told that as a student, he felt the difference from the story of Lecturer Ghaib. However, he often hears horror stories from his friends who undergo lectures as usual.

I often hear from my friends who go to college and experience things like this. For example, they find their clones suddenly passing by, or their friends see their other friends. This is fun and definitely roller tamper so it goes up and down emotionally," he explained.

"I'm in college but I happen to be online so if online works more individually, there's not much group work, so I don't have experience like that yet," he said again.

The film Lecturer Ghaib has become his latest work after acting in the film Susuk in 2023. Over the past two years, he has not had a soap opera project like the one he often plays. His own name became popular after starring in several soap opera titles.

"Actually, there's no reason to just go around, because coincidentally the offer that came into the film offer and thank God I was trusted by my friends in the film, so I used this opportunity as best I could," said Ersya Aurelia.

"We try to penetrate into other formats because usually the soap operas already know. This year it has been more explored in films and coincidentally can be horror again so we can get a new challenge to distinguish from the previous characters," he said.