Arrested By Police In Drug Cases, These 2 Men Are Also Involved In Breaking Into Houses In Aceh Besar

BANDA ACEH - Banda Aceh Police Narcotics Unit revealed a case of breaking into a resident's house in Aceh Besar with a loss of up to Rp250 million. The disclosure was based on the results of the development of a drug abuse case."Initially we received information related to the abuse of methamphetamine, and finally it was revealed that two suspects, namely AF and KH," said Head of Narcotics Investigation Unit of the Banda Aceh Police AKP Rajabul Asra in Banda Aceh, Antara, Wednesday, August 14.Rajabul said, on Sunday (28/7), officers received information on the whereabouts of the suspect in the abuse of AF narcotics in the Aceh Museum area to wait for his friend KH.Finally, after officers came to the scene, the suspect AF who was still at the location was arrested before they managed to escape to Langsa with KH.During the search, officers then found a package of methamphetamine weighing 1.10 grams along with a suction device, and a black bag."The bag contains a number of jewelry rings, bracelets and pearl necklaces and along with cash amounting to Rp. 4 million," he said.Based on the results of the interrogation, he said, suspect AF admitted that the objects were the result of his looting with KH in an empty house belonging to the victim MN at the BTN Ajuen complex, Lam Hasan Village, Peukan Bada District, Aceh Besar District."The theft case has also been reported by the victim last Friday to the Peukan Bada Police, with a loss of Rp250 million," he said.Suspects AF and KH committed theft or demolition of the house by prying open the window, then taking items in the form of gold jewelry stored in the safe.Not only safes, but the suspects also took away a unit of a black Honda Beat motorcycle with a BK 4860 FY number, a black television unit, a fan, a 3 kg gas cylinder, and a 12 kg gas cylinder.The stolen gold itself was also sold by the suspect as many as 20 Mayam at a gold shop in the Aceh market area, Banda Aceh City.In addition to the two suspects, the Banda Aceh Police have also named one DPO in this case, namely a man with the initials T as a seller of methamphetamine-type narcotics to suspect AF.For his actions, the perpetrator was charged with imprisonment for methamphetamine with a maximum threat of 20 years and a maximum fine of Rp. 10 billion.
"Then, for the imprisonment of theft with a weight as referred to in Article 363 paragraph (2) of the Criminal Code with a maximum threat of nine years in prison," said AKP Rajabul.