Want To Be A Film Filmmaker? Kwikku Fest 2021 Can Be Your Way

JAKARTA - Feeling creative? Having a written work but confused about how to market it, even though you are sure the story is good for a film, it means you have to join Kwikku Fest 2021. This is the first kwikku.com festival event which will be held virtually for 10 days from April 2-11, 2021.

The kwikku Fest 2021 event presents more than 80 sources from actors, directors, writers, content creators, and influencers. This event will be filled with movie talks, book launches, book reviews, and talk shows with creative industry players.

In addition, there are also watching movies together starting from the Indonesian box office film, the Korean film Train To Busan, the comedy film Looks That Kills, to the Doraemon film, entitled Stand By Me. For those who like to write, there will be a flash fiction competition with an iPhone 12 prize. Meanwhile, for novels and webtoon fans, this event presents a massive discount of up to 80%.

“Even though until now the situation is not fine, Kwikku doesn't want to stand idly by. For this reason, in 2021, we are presenting a grand Kwikku Fest 2021 event. This event will present various kinds of events, which of course will be adjusted to the Kwikku.com share, namely the gen z, and millennials", said CEO Kwikku.com, Hamdi.

Kwikku.com consultant, Richard Oh said this festival is an open invitation for all to explore the Kwikku.com ecosystem. "For creators who want to present their works, meet and interact with other creators, and share with all who want to develop their interests or talents in creative fields", he explained.

A large selection of creative classes with flexible schedules is offered at this festival. "There are also many knowledge-sharing programs that can be followed. For those who just want to enjoy written works or films, this is where you will find a world of diverse choices, quality because they are curated, with attractive offers", said the director of this Perburuan movie.

kwikku.com facilitates the release of written works of Indonesian youth, some of which have been adapted into film stories. To take part in the Kwikku Fest 2021 event, you can register directly on the kwikku.com website, it's free.