Eka Gustiwana Reminds Musicians To Trust Their Own Ability Instead Of AI

JAKARTA - Eka Gustiwana has her own interest in music technology. The Weird Genius personnel even referred to himself as music technology enthusiast (music technology fans).

"I have always been specific to music technology enthusiast. So every time there is new technology in music, I'm always curious," said Eka Gustiwana when met in Gambir, Central Jakarta, Tuesday, August 13.

Eka admitted that he was amazed by technological developments in the last two years, especially for artificial intelligence (AI) or artificial intelligence.

The 35-year-old musician also often creates content on his YouTube channel by discussing the use of AI in music.

Although he admits that AI is able to do many things, Eka believes that the creative process in making musical works will be better done without AI assistance.

"I always recommend friends who are really musicians, you don't have to replace your brain with that (AI), because your brain is much better," he said.

But that doesn't mean musicians should avoid artificial intelligence. He sees musicians should also be open to learning and knowing technological developments.

"But you have to stay open to the new technology that exists, whatever the technology is. Because if we don't update, we will miss and lose to people who use AI," he said.