Tangerang City Prosecutor's Office Calls Yuyun Jin And Jun Not Accepting Court Decisions Then Makes Heboh

JAKARTA - Head of the General Crimes Section (Kasipidum) of the Tangerang City District Attorney (Kejari), Yayi Dita Nirmala, spoke up regarding allegations by soap opera actor Jin and Jun, Yuyun Sukawati regarding allegations of extortion and threats spread through the @YuyunJinjun social media account.

Yayi Dita Nirmala assessed that Yuyun was looking for a furore because she did not accept the case that ensnared her son with the initials HA regarding the alleged exciting video.

Yayi Dita Nirmala explained, in the trial held at the Tangerang District Court (PN), Yuyun did not accept the decision, and did not want his son to become a prisoner.

Long before the trial, said Nirmala, Yuyun actually tried to apply for a suspension of detention for her child. However, to meet the terms of suspension, Yuyun's party must follow the rules stipulated in Article 31 of the Criminal Code.

It is known, the contents of Article 31 of the Criminal Code stated that at the request of the suspect or defendant, investigator or public prosecutor or judge, in accordance with their respective authorities, they can hold a suspension of detention with, or without guarantees of money or guarantees of people based on the conditions.

"So he asked for a suspension of detention, as explained in Article 31 of the Criminal Code that he was to apply for a suspension of detention with a guarantee of money, goods or people. We also convey that if you want to apply for a suspension. Please fulfill it, we will wait until the case file is in court," said Nirmala when contacted by VOI, Tuesday, August 13.

However, Yuyun's party or HA's parents did not give money or people, as collateral in the application for a suspension. So that the case file that was declared complete was submitted to the Tangerang District Court.

Even though it was also known to Yuyun and his legal advisor about the regulation. However, until the specified time, HA's parents were unable to meet these requirements.

"We have also confirmed it, to the clerk. There is no guarantee of the money. If for example the person concerned, we (tituding) asked for or extorted. We have explained from the start, we also explained to the court the law regarding the provisions," he said.

Furthermore, Yayi Dita Nirmala also considered Yuyun's party to be uncooperative in the legal process that ensnared her child. Because when completing the file, the Soetta Airport Police investigator team had difficulty submitting evidence and suspects.

"Look, we have issued P21 on March 21. Phase 2 is carried out on May 13. This means that after 2 months, the child cannot be presented, that is the reason we will not provide convenience. Because he is not cooperative," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Intelligence Section of the Tangerang City Kejari, Khusnul Fuad, said that Yuyun's excitement regarding the option of suspending detention in accordance with Article 31 of the Criminal Code, was known. Because he did not accept the decision, continued Khusnul Fuad, he made the excitement.

"Well, that's what is fried (exaggerated), even though it's clear too, if for example there is Rp1 billion, it is handed over to the Court. Later, if you don't run away, it will be reversed again," said Fuad.

As is known, in Yuyun's post with the account name @YuyunJinjun, the sitcom artist (cynetron comedy) accused the prosecutor's office and the police of extorting money related to the alleged exciting video case that happened to his son.

"So far I have been silent, but the more I remain silent, the more arbitrary I will be treated. It is time for me to speak as a mother who fights for justice for my only child. Whether this law in Indonesia applies 'not viral, there is no justice.

"Please justice for me as a single mother and my child who is already orphans, who is still a minor, in order to get justice by taking action against police officers from the Soekarno-Hatta Airport Police and unscrupulous prosecutors from the Tangerang City Prosecutor's Office, as well as the Metro Police Propam.

I am very disappointed with the Propam Polda Metro Jaya for not taking action against police officers at Soetta Airport who have criminalized minors.

Tetapi karena oknum-oknum diduga suap melalahkan segala cara mengerjali anak di bawah yggara yang tidak bersalah, oknum-oknum tersebut mengyahami dengan skenario perspirakan zalima yang sudah di-setting dan direncanakan menjembing anak di bawah anggara. begitu tulisan yang ada di postingan @YuyunJinjun.

VOI has contacted Yuyun to clarify the post, but until this news was revealed, Yuyun had not responded.