Aceh Prosecutor's Office Detains 3 Suspects Of Corruption In COVID-19 Funds

The Aceh High Prosecutor's Office (JPU) has detained three suspects in the crime of corruption in the COVID-19 response fund in the form of procuring a hand washing place at the Aceh Education Office worth Rp43.7 billion.Head of the Legal Information and Public Relations Section of the Aceh High Prosecutor's Office, Ali Rasab Lubis, said the three suspects were detained at the Class IIB Banda Aceh State Detention Center (Rutan)."The three suspects are detained for the next 20 days. Detention of the suspects is to facilitate the prosecution process," said Ali in Banda Aceh, Antara, Monday, August 13.The three suspects detained were Rahmat Fitri, as the Budget User Authority (KPA), Zulfahmi as the Technical Implementation Officer (PPTK), and Mukhlis always the procurement official.Previously, said Ali Rasab, the public prosecutor received the transfer of files on corruption cases for the procurement of hand washing facilities at the Aceh Education Office for the 2020 fiscal year along with three suspects from Aceh Police investigators."In addition to the case files and the suspects, the public prosecutor also received the submission of evidence in the form of cash reaching more than Rp3.4 billion. As well as 14 large boxes containing contract documents and others," said Ali Rasab Lubis.Previously, Aceh Police investigators investigated and investigated allegations of corruption in the procurement of hand washing facilities in high schools, vocational schools, and extraordinary schools throughout Aceh.The procurement of the hand washing place was carried out during the COVID-19 pandemic. The procurement costs are sourced from the 2020 Aceh Expenditure Revenue Budget (APBA) managed by the Aceh Education Office.Based on the results of the investigation by the Aceh Police, the suspects are suspected of selling and buying and breaking the work package to avoid auctions. Some work is done not according to the contract and there is fictitious work.
"After receiving the delegation of this case, the public prosecutor immediately prepared an indictment to be transferred to the corruption court for the trial process," said Ali Rasab Lubis.