There Are 15 Indonesian Citizens With The Same Fate As Hendri, TIP Victims Who Are Captified In Myanmar

JAKARTA - The victim of a criminal act of trafficking in persons (TPPO), Suhendri alias Hendri said that there were 15 victims of confinement and torture in Myanmar. This information was conveyed by Hendri when he sent a voice message to his family, Monday, August 12.
"Here there are 15 Indo people (Indonesia)," said Hendri in a voice message, Monday, August 12.
Because, Hendri thought that the possibility of being free from confinement was quite large.
"Most likely for the potential to escape, big," he said.
Meanwhile, Yohana, the victim's mother, confirmed that there were dozens of Indonesian citizens (WNI) who were victims of confinement.
However, he did not know further whether the dozens of Indonesian citizens who were detained were also persecuted or not.
"He was also held captive but Hendri did not tell the story," he said.
As previously reported, the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kemlu) will coordinate with the Myanmar Authority regarding an Indonesian citizen (WNI) named Suhendri alias Hendri (39) allegedly being held captive and tortured by a group of people whose identities are not yet known.
Young Diplomat Direktorat Pelindungan Warga Negara Indonesia Kementerian Luar Negeri, Rina Komaria mengatakan pihaknya telah menerima laporan tersebut.
"The complaint has been submitted to us," said Rina when confirmed, Sunday, Monday 12.
Rina said that for now the complaint had been handled by the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia (KBRI) Yangon.
"(Currently) it is handled by the Indonesian Embassy in Yangon," he said.