Holds Cak Imin's Leadership Congress, PKB Law On PBNU?

JAKARTA - The National Awakening Party (PKB) will hold the 6th Congress on August 24-25, 2024. One of the main agendas is to follow up on the aspirations of the cadres so that PKB Chairman Muhaimin Iskandar (Cak Imin) returns to lead the party for the previous period.

Secretary of the Organizing Committee for the 6th Congress of PKB Zainul Munasichin said PKB also invited scholars and Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) figures who had been considered to have contributed to the party led by Cak Imin.

"We will invite the ulama, the kiai who have made a tremendous contribution to the National Awakening Party and also who have been accompanying Pak Muhaimin on the PKB political journey and also Gus Muhaimin," said Zainul at the PKB DPP Office, Central Jakarta, Monday, August 12.

Then, will PKB invite the Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) Executive Board as an Islamic NU community organization (ormas)? Zainul replied that his party would only invite NU figures personally, not in institutional capacity.

"For the leaders of community organizations, because this event is a political party event, of course what we invite is the domain of political parties. For personal figures, we will invite culturally Nahdlatul Ulama," explained Zainul.

In the PKB Congress which will be held in Bali, PKB invites all general chairmen of political parties, as well as President Joko Widodo and President-elect 2024 Prabowo Subianto.

Zainul continued, PKB also invited the leadership of political parties (political parties) who are members of the International Democratic Sentris or Centrict Democrat International (CDI) in the 6th Congress later this month.

CDI is an organization of international political parties subject to democracy. PKB has joined the CDI since 2019.

"We will invite approximately 65 party leaders who are members of the CDI and God willing, they will confirm to attend to enliven the 2024 PKB Congress in Bali," he explained.

Not only that, PKB also invited scholars and Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) figures who had been considered to have contributed to the party led by Muhaimin Iskandar.

"We will invite the ulama, the kiai who have made a tremendous contribution to the National Awakening Party and also who have been accompanying Pak Muhaimin on the PKB political journey and also Gus Muhaimin," explained Zainul.

The 6th congress will be attended by 5,500 PKB cadres consisting of autonomous bodies (banoms), namely the central leadership council (DPP) and the syuro council, regional leadership council (DPW), to branch leadership councils (DPC) throughout Indonesia.