Had Evaluated, Audrey Davis' Ex-girlfriend Did Not Move After His Cellphone's Digital Footprint Was Examined
Dirreskrimsus Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Pol Ade Safri Simanjuntak said that previously the former lover and perpetrator of the case of the spread of the exciting video of Audrey Davis, AP did not admit his mistake.
"Initially, AP did not admit and was uncooperative regarding its role in recording, storing and distributing videos containing immorality or pornography," said Ade Safri Simanjuntak to the media, Monday, August 12.
Padahal pihak penyidik telah menemukan bukti yang berupa jejak digital di gawai milik AP yang merupakan video porno AP dan Audrey yang belum disunting, dan perkat AP dengan seseorang di akun X.
"However, after the digital forensic process was carried out on the cellphone belonging to witness AP, the officers found a digital footprint in the form of pornographic videos allegedly played by AD in a still intact (not edited) state," explained Ade Safri.
"And the traces of witness conversations with twitter users or other X-medsos accounts, the point is that AP offers videos containing immorality or pornography that AD allegedly plays for Twitter users or other X," he added.
Previously, Polda Metro Jaya managed to catch AP who was the male actor in the porn video of musician David Bayu's son, Audrey Davis. After being traced, AP turned out to be Audrey's ex-lover.
Ade Safri Simanjuntak said officers initially searched AP's house in Cilangkap, East Jakarta on Friday, August 9 night until Saturday, August 11 at 01.00 WIB.