Two Days Of Search, Fisherman Who Disappeared On Jodoh Beach, Southeast Sulawesi Has Not Been Found By The SAR Team

The Joint SAR Team divided into two teams to search for a fisherman who was missing around the waters of Jodoh Beach, Batauga District, South Buton Regency (Busel), Southeast Sulawesi Province (Sultra).

Head of Basarnas Kendari Aminuddin, quoted from Antara, Sunday, August 11, said that the search was the second day of operation against a fisherman named La Hamidu (57), who had not returned from fishing by boat.

"At 07.15 WITA, the Joint SAR Team resumed SAR operations," said Aminuddin.

He mentioned that during today's operation, the Joint SAR Team divided into two teams that would carry out a sweep around the victim's last location, in the waters of Jodoh Beach.

"The search was carried out with light rain conditions, wind speeds of about 18 kilometers from the northeast, with a wave height of 0.5-1 meters," he said.

Aminuddin revealed that in the operation there were several elements involved, including the Baubau SAR Post, the Busel Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), PMI Baubau, Babinsa Bola Village, Bhabinkamtibmas, surrounding communities, and the families of the victims.

"The equipment used is rescue trucks, rubber boats, boats, medical SAR equipment, evacuation SAR equipment, communication equipment, and other safety support equipment," said Aminuddin.

The victim went missing while going to sea by boat to fish around Jodoh Beach for up to 1 nautical mile, on Friday, August 9, at around 05.00 WITA. However, until the afternoon, the victim had not returned, even though the habit of the victim had returned home during the day.

"The search has been carried out until the evening by the family and the surrounding community using four boats, but the victim was not visited," Aminuddin added.