Kak Seto Will Report To The Ministry Of Health Regarding The Medical Handling Of The AK Toddler Who Was Slammed By His Mother

JAKARTA - Chairman of the Indonesian Child Protection Agency (LPAI) Seto Mulyadi spoke up regarding the attitude of the Tugu Ibu Depok Hospital, West Java regarding the medical treatment of AK (1.5) toddlers, victims of abuse by biological mothers, in Jagakarsa, South Jakarta.

As is known, the victim's family admitted that the medical treatment of AK's toddler was hampered by BPJS.

The man who is called Kak Seto is of the opinion that the hospital should prioritize the interests of other people's lives, especially small children. Because it is in accordance with the values of Pancasila.

"Moreover, this is a child. This is a brain problem, this is very vulnerable. Just because it was not handled, it finally died. Is it an act that is contrary to Pancasila, Just and Civilized Humanity," said Kak Seto when confirmed by VOI, Friday, August 9.

Seto admitted that he would complain to the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) regarding this incident.

"Yes, we will tell you. If there is a meeting with the Minister of Health. We will convey a case like this," he said.

If the hospital refers to Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Article 52 Number 82 of 2018 concerning Health Insurance. So the hospital should look for a solution where the victim finally gets a service for medical treatment.

"Please also have an order to the hospital not to be too stiff. The most important thing is the safety of the victims. Moreover, this is a child, who knows this child is the leader of the nation and so on," he said.

Kak Seto regretted the actions taken by the hospital which were suspected of negligence until the 1.5-year-old AK toddler died.

"We, who are concentrating on child protection, regret the hospital that refuses just because it is a victim of violence," he concluded.

Previously, a toddler with the initials AK aged 1.5 years was slammed by his biological mother in his rented house, Srengseng, Jagakarsa, South Jakarta. Balita AK was taken to Tugu Ibu Depok Hospital.

Andrea, a member of the victim's family, explained that the victim was taken to the Tugu Ibu Depok Hospital. However, Andrea said, it was hampered at BPJS.

We had time to go to the nearest hospital. First, we took him to Aulia, he didn't receive it, Andika Hospital. Immediately someone said that the Tugu Ibu Hospital was in Depok. After arriving there, around 9 a.m. set 10 is there. The emergency room is checked first. The name is a child, we ask for action. It turned out that there was no action, he asked for the first 3 million. That's how it was, the next day he checked again, raised Rp. 20 million.

"He asked for that number, because there was a fracture behind his brain, it was a bit heavy. But I mean try to take action first, if it's a matter of money. Maybe we can look for it from the family, right? But BPJS can't. BPJS is also visited, he says it's violent, can't use BPJS. We are from a family that really doesn't understand. There is no money, so what, we're still looking for a solution. Until noon at 12 it's still impossible. In fact, we are on the road, until late at 4 o'clock the deceased has no life. Andrea's story to VOI.

Meanwhile, a woman from Tugu Hospital, Ibu Depok, who did not want to be named, explained that her party referred to regulations and requirements before taking action. He also said that the victims of the persecution were not borne by BPJS.

"There are 21 incidents that are not borne by BPJS. The Presidential Regulation regarding BPJS. One of them is because the persecution is not borne by BPJS. We follow the rules," he said.