DPR Asks Officials Not To Even Make Their Own Noise Throwing Hoax Information On Online Gambling

JAKARTA - The DPR urges the government to immediately complete online gambling (judol) by eradicating dealers. The DPR also highlighted the commotion of information from government officials.

"The eradication of online gambling must be resolved with priority at the Hulu level. Catch and take firm action against dealers, defenders, judol influencers. The government through its authority must be fast and firm to close all sites and digital access to judol strictly, massively and sustainably," said Member of Commission III DPR RI Didik Mukrianto, Thursday, August 8.

"The online gambling problem continues to drag on and is already very disturbing, especially since many children are also victims. The state should not play games in solving online gambling problems," he continued.

Until now, there has been no strict sanction from the Government in eradicating judol, so Didik requested that prevention and law enforcement be carried out in a sustainable manner. He also highlighted how online gambling has infiltrated state institutions, including officials.

"Clean state institutions from all behaviors of deviating officials and officials. Don't have the slightest tolerance space for officials involved in judol," said Didik.

"This is not only moral hazard in moral and ethical perspectives, but further away from that, namely crime or crime," added the East Java IX electoral district legislator.

Didik emphasized that online gambling has damaged the nation's ethics. Especially now that many children and teenagers have been involved in the online gambling trend.

According to current demographic data, online gambling players under the age of 10 reach 2% of players, with a total of 80,000 people. The distribution of players between ages 10 and 20 is 11% or approximately 440,000 people, then ages 21 to 30 years 13% or 520,000 people. Age 30 to 50 years is 40% or 1.640,000 people and age above 50 years is 34% with a total of 1.350,000 people.

Although the Government claims to have succeeded in reducing public access to online gambling sites by 50%, the latest data shows that online gambling activities in Indonesia are still relatively high, so efforts are needed from the Government and law enforcement to tackle them.

The online gambling phenomenon is known to have had a derivative impact, especially social problems in the community. Didik assessed that several problems that must be resolved first so that people are not easily tempted by judol, including poverty, low education, law enforcement, and the Government's seriousness.

"Especially for the synergy between intact institutions. For this reason, through their authority, the government and its apparatus must not hesitate in taking firm action against online gambling. Block, close and take firm action. Immediately turn off access, website, and all online gambling support networks," he explained.

"Continue to build cooperation with other countries, because this crime operates across countries," continued Didik.

Commission III of the DPR in charge of legal affairs also asked law enforcement officials to be more aggressive and massive in taking action and eradicating online gambling. Didik said that enforcement of online gambling laws must be carried out in order to ensure that the next generation of the nation is free from future destructive activities such as taking action against drug cases.

"The legal action must also not be seasonal, it must be complete. And not only agents, perpetrators, influencers and other members are prosecuted, but the main thing is the dealers and defenders," said this member of the DPR Banggar.

"The charges, thoroughly investigate and take firm action against the main crimes and money laundering offenses (money laundering)," added Didik.

Law enforcers are considered to have to continue to be responsive and fast to follow up on all information and findings, especially from PPATK. Given the massive movement and victims of judol, its eradication is also said to require a more complete synergy between law enforcement, society and the government including PPTAK, the Ministry of Communication and Information and other institutions.

Didik also highlighted the commotion of information regarding the figure of an online bookie. This started with the statement by the Head of the Indonesian Migrant Workers Protection Agency (BP2MI) Benny Rhamdani, who previously referred to the figure with the initials T as the boss or mastermind of online gambling in Indonesia.

As a result of his statement, Benny was then questioned by Bareskrim Polri twice. After being questioned, Benny then changed his statement. He now admits that he does not know the figure of T, the boss of online gambling that he reveals. Didik reminded that clarity and accountability in providing information are things that cannot be negotiated in carrying out their functions as public officials.

"The government is expected to ensure that all public officials are committed to providing accurate and transparent information, as well as maintaining public integrity and trust in government institutions," he said.

The inaccuracy of information from public officials is considered fatal for the image of a government institution because it can reduce public confidence in state institutions. Moreover, Benny and the police seemed to blame each other.

"Government officials should not make noise with their statements and policies because it will confuse the public. How can people believe that their country's leaders are noisy themselves," said Didik.

Meanwhile, in an effort to prevent children and adolescents from engaging in online gambling, Didik said there was a need for stricter implementation of the monitoring and supervision system.

"The implementation of a more stringent monitoring and surveillance system is also very much needed to ensure that children cannot easily access online gambling sites," he said.

On the other hand, Didik assessed that it is also important that the Government ensures that children's education programs include aspects related to information about the dangers of online gambling.

"I believe our police should be able to uncover and arrest the big city, although this judol can be considered a shopisticated crime in its modus operandi through various layers and networks," concluded Didik.