Moon Exploration Mission Depends On Infrastructure Force

JAKARTA Humans will reach the Moon again to learn more, but this is not easy to do. Many things need to be prepared, from technology to infrastructure. Without careful preparation, long-term exploration will be difficult to do because of the very different circumstances of the Moon. This natural satellite has such extreme weather that various natural phenomena often occur, one of which is the earthquake. If the prepared infrastructure is not strong enough to deal with the situation on the Moon, humans will find it difficult to carry out long-term research. Therefore, Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) highlights the importance of infrastructure. "Land launch (to the Moon) is a very complicated endeavor," said Sarah Hasnain of APL, quoted from Spacenews. "Our future begins with the ability to revisit and reuse infrastructure and assets there." The main problem that may be faced in creating long-term infrastructure on the Moon is the development of launch and landing facilities. Testing and research needs to be done so that this facility can be developed.

Another thing that Sarah needs to pay attention to is funding. During the construction of this facility, the space agency must prepare continued funding so that there are no obstacles. The institution that makes it only need to determine its development priorities. Until now, the Moon does not yet have a solid structure and many technologies are still not ready. Like SpaceX's Starship or Blue Moon belonging to Blue Origin for example. Both aircraft can still blow up giant craters on the surface of the Moon.