Sleep Position Turns Out To Affect Welfare, How Come?

YOGYAKARTA Sleep is very important for welfare. That means everyone needs enough sleep not only for physical and mental health. More specifically, sleeping position also affects. Do you like to sleep on your side, on your stomach? Although all three have shortcomings if done in a long duration. But some sleeping positions may be better than others.

Research shows several factors affect sleeping positions. Adults tend to like to sleep obliquely. People aged 20-34 years, move more from sleeping to those aged 35 years and over. Launching VeryWellMind, Wednesday, August 7, men tend to change their sleeping position more than women.

Since many people don't think of sleeping positions, it's important to understand the shortcomings and benefits of certain sleeping positions.

Experts argue that teletang sleep is the best position for overall health because this position maintains weight distribution evenly throughout the body while sleeping. However, this position is not done too much. According to the Better Sleep Council survey data, only 18 percent of people slept on their backs.

Positively from the position of sleeping on your back, securing someone with neck pain and some back pain due to various factors. When the nose is blocked due to allergies or disease, by stacking pillows higher and sleeping on your back, the breathing goes up.

Well, negatively, sleeping on your back is considered the worst position for people whovert or experience sleep apnea because it causes the tongue to fall backward in the throat. This limits the airway and increases the severity of symptoms. For people with acid refluxes, telephone sleep tends to increase the frequency of symptoms.

The survey conducted by Better Sleep Council showed that two-thirds of respondents prefer to sleep tilted. Oblique sleep also paves the airway and helps relieve snoring and other respiratory problems. This position also relieves lower back pain. This sleeping position also relieves acid reflux even though sleep is tilted to the right exacerbates acid reflux.

On the other hand, tilted sleep to the right is actually good for those who have heart problems. In addition, oblique sleep is also considered the ideal position for pregnant women because this position the baby bump pressure does not feel as heavy as when sleeping on a teletang. Obliquely sleeping pregnant women also allow for better blood flow.

It is important to note that the negative sleep oblique can cause shoulder pain. So it is necessary to measure pillow height, mattress comfort, and change sleeping positions at a certain time.

Tengkurap is considered the worst sleeping position but the least popular is done. Even so, there are still positives. Short sleep can be the best choice for those who cope with the lack or relieve the apnea case of light sleep.

Well, why is this sleeping position considered bad, because your posture is bad when you sleep on your stomach. When you sleep on your stomach, you will point your face on your side so you can breathe. This makes the neck bone and spine uneven. As a result, it can cause neck pain and lower back. Tengkup also results in more movement to feel comfortable, this can lower your sleep quality.

Which sleeping position supports welfare? You are not required to choose a sleeping position to be prosperous. If you feel the most comfortable sleeping on your stomach, get enough rest, and don't have health problems, you can continue to sleep like that. As long as you pay attention to how this can affect the spine. That is, choose the best sleeping position in your opinion that allows you to get quality sleep and not worsen your health problems.