The Role Of New Suspects In The MBZ Toll Corruption Case Causes State Loss Of IDR 510 Billion

The Attorney General's Office (AGO) has named Waskita-Acset's operational cooperation (KSO) with the initials DP as a new suspect in the alleged corruption case in the Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed (MBZ) Toll Road construction project. His role was to conspire in reducing the volume of basic design.

"DP as the KSO Authority of PT Waskita' Acset and brother of TBS as representatives of PT Bukaka conspired to reduce the volume in the Basic Design without a study be carried out first," said Director of Investigation at Jampidsus AGO Kuntadi to reporters, Tuesday, August 6.

The conspiracy was carried out by the DP before the auction process for the construction of the 36.4 kilometer Jakarta-Cikampek II Elevated Toll Road which was held by PT Jakarta Jalanlayang Cikampek (JJC).

Originally, PT JCC had signed a Toll Road Concession Agreement (PPJT) contract with the Toll Road Management Agency (BPJT) with an Investment Value of Rp. 16,233,409,000,000.

Then, in the reduction of the basic design, Djoko Djijono and Yudhi Mahyudin used it to condition so that Dono won the auction.

"Then at the time of the construction construction, Brother DP again reduced the volume without being supported by the study first," said Kuntadi.

Thus, the suspect's actions in the DP caused state losses of Rp510 billion or to be precise Rp510,085,261,485.41

In this case, DP is suspected of violating the provisions of Article 2 Paragraph 1 Article 3 in conjunction with Article 18 of the Corruption Eradication Law in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code.

For information, in the alleged corruption case of the construction work project of the Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed (MBZ) Toll Road, there were four suspects.

They include former President Director (Managing Director) Jasamarga Jalan Layang Cikampek (JJC) Djoko Dwijono, Chairman of the Auction Committee PT JJC Yudhi Mahyudin, Director of Operations of PT Bukaka Teknik Utama Sofiah Balfas, and former Expert Staff of the PT LAPI Ganeshama Consulting Bridge, Tony Budianto Sihite.

In fact, they have undergone a judicial process. Where, the panel of judges sentenced him to 4 years in prison.