The Police Did Not Handle The Case Of Alleged Domestic Violence Siti Maryam, The National Police Secretary Also Tweeted On Social Media

TANGERANG - A viral tweet on social media X alias Twitter about the alleged domestic violence reported at the South Tangerang Police, attracted the attention of the Personal Secretary (Sekpri) of the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit, namely AKBP Ahri Sonta. Ahri Sonta re-memposted to inform Siti Maryam that the domestic violence case had been handled.

"Korban KDRT sudah melaporkan karena BABAK BELUR belak2, Polisi tidak menanggapi? Namanya Siti Maryam, korban KDRT yang berulang kali ditelangan oleh suaminya CS. Terakhir bu SM diharakan hingga babak rumahnya sendiri tanggal 3 Juni 2024, sekitar pukul 19.30 WIB," tulis caption akun tersebut.

"CS suddenly entered the house and went to SM's room and immediately hit and scratched the victim until SM shouted and attracted the attention of the residents. Because it was crowded with people's attention, CS then left while threatening to kill SM if he reported it to the police," he continued.

Head of Public Relations of the South Tangerang Police, AKP Agil, confirmed the incident. The perpetrator with the initials CS has now been arrested.

"Sudah ditangkap tadi malam, pelaku sudah ditangkap. Dari proses penyelidikan, lanjut penyidikan artinya ada peristiwa pidana jika dilakukan penyidikan," kata Agil saat dikonfirmasi, Jumat, 2 Agustus.

The case is currently being investigated to find out the motives of the perpetrators of domestic violence against his wife.

"The perpetrator is undergoing investigation, the perpetrator has been arrested," he continued.