Riding The Honda Beat, TNI Members In Uniforms Afraid Of Raids On The Busway Line, Turn Back

Joint officers from the TNI and Polri held a sterilization raid on the Busway route on Jalan Jatinegara Barat, Jatinegara District, East Jakarta on Friday, August 2, afternoon.

The raid, which was held by the joint apparatus of the TNI and Polri, also collaborated with the TNI POM to take action against the officers.

From observations at the location of the raid, traffic violators from the security forces crossing the busway route are still rampant.

Several TNI personnel riding motorbikes were seen crossing the Busway lane on Jalan Jatinegara Barat. The motorcyclist was clearly recorded still wearing the TNI service uniform when entering the busway lane.

However, due to a joint raid, the motorcyclist dressed in the TNI service was finally forced to turn around and go against the direction on the busway route he was crossing.

"The driver in soldiers' clothes panicked when he found out that there was a joint raid on the busway route. Those who violated traffic rules by entering the busway route finally turned around and drove oppositely on the busway lane," said one of the motorists who was passing at the location, Friday, August 2.

In this raid, violators were given fines for civilians. Meanwhile, other law enforcement officers and ASN who violate traffic are also subject to disciplinary sanctions.

Meanwhile, according to Solihin, local residents said that the results of the joint raid were that many motorists were ticketed for entering the busway route.

"The motorcyclist and the car entered the busway lane. Yes, there was a joint raid on the busway lane. Many were caught," he said.

Please note, joint raids on law enforcement officers who violate traffic in the Jatinegara area have often been carried out since last June.

Previously, it was reported that joint officers from POM TNI and Propam Polri held raids on official vehicles that often crossed the Jalan Jatinegara Barat busway, East Jakarta, Monday, June 3.

As many as 40 vehicles of traffic violators were subject to ticketing sanctions by Korlantas Polda Metro Jaya officers and Military Police (POM) TNI officers. In fact, it is not uncommon for TNI and Polri and civilian service vehicles to be given a ticket as punishment.

This raid was held by joint officers targeting vehicles with military and police license plates. However, not a few motorcyclists from civil society panicked in fear and fled.

During this raid, joint officers found one of the motorists who claimed to be a member of the National Police. However, after being questioned by police officers, it turned out that the driver was not a member of the National Police.

The officers immediately stripped the attributes of the Police in their vehicles.

Head of Law Enforcement and Order Guard Unit (Gakkumwal Tatatib) of the TNI Puspom Lt. Col. Cpm Yudho Ari Irawan said that today his party held an operation to enforce order (opsgatib) on the TransJakarta route on Jalan Jatinegara Barat.

"TNI, Polri and civilian motorists are dealt with firmly," said Gakkumwal Tatib) TNI Puspom Lt. Col. Cpm Yudho Ari Irawan to reporters, Monday, June 3.

The sterilization of the TransJakarta route is routinely carried out by moving locations, in order to create traffic order.