54 Cases In 2024, Bogor City DPRD Values The Implementation Of Child-Friendly Regulations Is Not Maximum

BOGOR - The Regional Regulation Formation Agency (Bapemperda) of the Bogor City DPRD held a working meeting with an agenda for evaluating the implementation of Regional Regulation (Perda) number 3 of 2017 concerning the Implementation of Child Friendly Cities (KLA), together with the Regional Indonesian Child Protection Commission for Bogor City (KPAID) and the Bogor City Government, Thursday, July 1.

Based on the results of the meeting, the Chairman of the Bapemperda of the Bogor City DPRD, Anna Mariam Fadhilah, said that the implementation of the KLA Regional Regulation was still not optimal.

This is because the budget allocated by the Bogor City Government is still very minimal. So that it will result in the non-implementation of the program that has been mandated by the Regional Regulation.

"From the results of the meeting, we saw that the contents of the regional regulation were substantively very good and comprehensive to support the fulfillment of children's rights. However, we see that there is still a lack of budget support even though it has been mandated at two percent," said Anna.

Anna also revealed that to optimally implement this regional regulation, cooperation and seriousness of all SKPDs in the Bogor City Government are needed. However, the budget prepared for child protection activities in the DP3A office which oversees this activity is still very small and even the figure is below Rp200 million.

Anna assessed that the budget as small as this would not be able to run a very large program in accordance with what was mandated by the KLA Regional Regulation.

"The budget prepared by the Bogor City Government seems 'light and funny' to carry out a very large program," said Anna.

To follow up on this, Anna said that the Bogor City DPRD Bapemperda issued a recommendation for the Bogor City Regional Government Budget Team (TAPD) to mark the budget of all agencies related to the KLA Perda.

Later the Bogor City DPRD will review the budget whether it has met the quota for the implementation of the KLA Regional Regulation.

Furthermore, Anna also assessed the lack of budget support for efforts to deal with violence and abuse against children. It is known that the Bogor City PPA UPTD has only prepared a budget for personnel expenditures, while the case handling program or assistance has not prepared a budget.

"For cases of prevention and prevention, this is very minimal. We hope that this KLA Regional Regulation will be present as a prevention of violence against children," said Anna.

After holding the title of KLA Nindya, the Bogor City Government is currently pursuing the main predicate. However, Anna considered it inappropriate for the Bogor City Government to only pursue the title without confirming the running of the Regional Regulation.

Anna revealed that throughout 2024 cases of violence against women and children have increased in the city of Bogor. Based on a report from UPTD PPA Bogor City, throughout 2024 there have been 54 reported cases.

"The number of cases can even be said to be like an iceberg. What is reported must be very small when compared to incidents on the ground. Because cases of violence are sensitive cases so that not many people dare to report. So we should not only compete for formality on paper to get the main title, but in reality below there are still many children who are neglected, drop out of school and get violence," concluded Anna.

Member of the Bapemperda of the Bogor City DPRD, Endah Purwanti, said that the purpose and purpose of evaluating the KLA Regional Regulation was not only aimed at seeing and reviewing the effectiveness of the regional regulation which was already seven years old, but also to ensure the implementation of its implementation.

Endah also revealed that for seven years since the KLA Regional Regulation was ratified, there were no implementing regulations. Even the existence of the Bogor City KPAID is not regulated in the regional regulation, but is regulated through its own Perwali.

Endah hopes that the Bogor City Government in the near future can conduct an analysis and study related to the plan to change the KLA Regional Regulation or the formation of a new regional regulation to replace the KLA Regional Regulation.

Because of the 26 indicators that are the assessment of the City of Child Eligibility, the Bogor City Government is still not optimal in cluster number 2 regarding civil rights and freedom, cluster number 4 related to health and welfare as well as cluster number 5 related to education, use of free time, and cultural activities.

"We encourage the legal department to have an analysis and evaluation. This is just the initial door for evaluation. So regulations must be updated and substance added. So we will see if it is necessary to make a new regional regulation or a change in the regional regulation for child protection," explained Endah.

The chairman of the Bogor City KPAID, Dede Siti Amanah, admitted that he appreciated the steps taken by the Bogor City DPRD to evaluate the KLA Perda. Because, according to him, no matter how good the Perda is, if there is no implementation, everything will be in vain.

"Of course we really appreciate and are happy to be involved in this discussion. We hope that no matter how good the regional regulation is when the implementation regulations, namely Perwali, do not exist, so in the end it becomes a useless thing to be able to become a reference for implementation in the field," said Dede.

He also said that the existence of the KLA Regional Regulation did not merely eliminate cases of violence in the city of Bogor. However, the presence of the KLA Regional Regulation must be an instrument that ensures the welfare of children and women, dispute resolution and infrastructure availability.

Dede also hopes that in the future the Bogor City Government can show budget alignment for the implementation of the KLA. As well as the establishment or amendment of the KLA Regional Regulation as a legal basis for the existence of the Bogor City KPAID.

"So the hope is that the points that have been around all this time, especially regarding the protection of children who are not covered in the KLA Regional Regulation, can be included and run in the future," he concluded.