Titip Anak Ke Similih: Kalaku Orang Belanda Malas Jaga Anak Era VOC

JAKARTA - Dutch trading airline official, VOC is known to be busy. They rarely have an abundance of time. There is little time off. The matter of parenting alone has never been a burden on the mind. They have a solution so that all parenting tasks are not burdened by parents, but to slaves.

The care is usually carried out for a full day. This condition made the Dutch child's inner bond to his slave caregivers established. Dutch children became closer to slaves than parents. They memorized the slave language better than the Dutch.

The task of parenting should be a burden on parents, men and women. Parents must experience all phases of child life, from growing, guiding, and educating. These efforts are so that the transfer of knowledge and value of kindness can be successfully transmitted to children.

Emotional parents and children are awakened. This condition did not happen in the Company era. They live often prioritizing work and become rich. This condition made the parents of the Dutch do not know, even too lazy to merge themselves into parenting patterns.

Instead, they trust the care of the baby to one of the female slaves. This option is commonly used by Dutch parents as an instant solution to children's problems. They consider buying slaves not a big thing.

The stock is abundant and the price is affordable. Just imagine, a family in Batavia (now: Jakarta) can have tens to hundreds of slaves. This condition allows Dutch parents to focus on working. They can do their business without being disturbed by raising children.

The slaves educate children as a form of prosperity in their era. Anyone who is able to have many slaves is considered to live an honorable and wealthy life. It was this ego that made them feel too humiliated to participate in the task of parenting.

The task should be the responsibility of slaves. They must accompany their employers' children from babies. They must fulfill all kinds of children's needs. Even if there is a transfer of knowledge from their parents, the knowledge taken could be part of parents scolding slaves.

The dirty words that came out of his parents' mouth to the slave were recorded. Once upon a time when dirty words came out of the child's mouth and rained down on the slave guard if his wish was not realized.

Living free citizens is different. Many of them live as partents and similar activities that give them a lot of free time. Almost all free citizens are former Kompeni employees, and the Batavian people consist of new rich people who like to show off their wealth in a lowly atmosphere. Considered a sign of prosperity when they have many slaves and release all work and affairs, even children' education to servants (slaves)," said Bernard HM Vlekke in the book Nusantara (2008).

It is possible to have slaves is considered profitable by the Dutch. However, the invaders seemed not aware that it was an option to harm them. Their children grew up far from the standards their parents wanted.

Those who should have grown up with European values actually grew with values held by slaves. Problems that arise. The bonds between the slaves continue to exist. They felt closer to slaves, than their parents.

Instead of growing up intelligently, the children who were taught by slaves lived like slaves. They speak the language of slaves. They eat the way of slaves. They even learn the way of slaves.

Boys may get additional education from private teachers even though they have not guaranteed to be able to get out of the slave's way of life. However, girls were not that lucky. They learn nothing, other than the way of life of slaves.

They are not fluent in Dutch. Because, the language they use is the everyday language used by slaves.

This condition is proof that entrusting children to slaves is not a wise solution. The option of children being educated by slaves actually shows that money doesn't always solve problems. Children grow up in mixed language for life and no longer see parts of Europe, other than facial patterns.

They also thought, worked, and acted like slaves. Recently, during the Dutch East Indies, Europeans were looking for more customers of the Europeans as well or natives who already knew foreign languages, such as the Dutch or French. They no longer want to be missed.

"Because they were raised by slaves and adopted their behavior, here are their habits. The children were able to speak the Malabar, Sinhala, Bengali, and Portuguese languages. And as they grew up, they had difficulty speaking the Dutch well and correctly, without mixing it with the Portuguese market in it," concluded De Graaf, quoted by Jean Gelman Taylor in the book Social Life in Batavia (2009).