Head Of BKKBN: 74% Of Men First Sex 15 Years Old, 60% Women
JAKARTA - Head of the National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN) dr. Hasto Wardoyo revealed the facts behind the phenomenon of the tendency to withdraw the average age of marriage that occurs in today's society. One of them is the results of a survey that shows the age of marriage is getting backward, while the age of sex is first advancing.
What I'm concerned about is the results of a survey of women and men aged 20 to 35 when they were asked when you had your first sex? So the answer is that on average men have their first sex at the age of 15 to 19 about 74%, while first sex women at the age of 15 to 19 are around 60%," Hasto told host Eddy Wijaya in the EdShareOn podcast which premiered on Wednesday, July 31, 2024.
Hasto said the findings from the Indonesian Demographic and Health Survey (SDKI) were even more astonishing because the respondents when asked that they had just married, the average age of 22 years. This figure shows that the average age of marriage is one year behind the results of a survey by the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) in 2019, which is 21.13 years. What does that mean? It means that marriage is getting back and forth, sex is progressing. Well, if we are not concerned, too. Because this means a lot of adultery, right, "he said.
The former Regent of Kulon Progo for two terms then asked all parties such as parents, religious leaders, and the general public to make this issue a common task.
He assessed that free sex among teenagers could be fatal to health and also the divorce rate. So that there is no unwanted pregnancy or unwanted pregnancy. And finally marriage is easy to divorce because it is not based on good planning.
Head of BKKBN, Dr. Hasto Wardoyo, said that the awareness of Family Planning (KB) in the community is still dominated by mothers or women, namely 95%. Meanwhile, awareness of male family planning in the form of using condoms and vasectomi is only 5%.
Campaigning for the use of condoms is not easy because many people are not satisfied with wearing condoms. While the problem is that many people are consumed by the issue that later their power will disappear, even though they are not," said Hasto.
The vasectomi is a family planning for men by clogging the channel that carries sperm from the tester to the penis so that it does not mix with manifold water. The goal is not to get fertilized when a man ejaculation occurs. Hasto said the vasectomi, which has been known to be permanent, can also be overcome with sophisticated tools. Today the technology is sophisticated. So if people who have been vaccinated can reopen. Partnerize the name," said Hasto.
Hasto said that he had tried to campaign for a vasectomi in the community in a free of charge. Even residents who want a vasectomi are given an allowance of Rp. 300 thousand. Even when I was the regent, my campaign for a vasectomi got one goat with a target of 26 people who were vaccinated. But it turns out that 126 people want a vasectomi, all my goats are gone," he said with a laugh.
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