Merchants And Lecturers In Surabaya Get Injected With Astrazeneca Vaccine, Eri Cahyadi: Vaccines Are Not Haram
SURABAYA - The Surabaya City Government (Pemkot) has received an additional 21.770 vials of vaccines. Vaccines consist of two types, with details of 11.770 Sinovac vaccines and 10.000 AstraZeneca.
"This additional vaccine will be implemented today, targeting merchants, teachers and lecturers so that merchants can feel comfortable selling, for education before the new school year, they can also feel confident when they enter face-to-face", said the Mayor of Surabaya, Eri Cahyadi, Tuesday, 23 March.
When the injection of the vaccine can be faster, then the Surabaya City Government will automatically get more for the next vaccine. That way the next target or stage can be carried out immediately.
"The sooner we finish this vaccine, then automatically we can add more for the next vaccine. Because the people of Surabaya, the people of Surabaya from all walks of life are still waiting for this vaccine", said Eri Cahyadi.
Eri Cahyadi explained that the additional vaccines received by the municipal government this time were two brands, namely Sinovac and AstraZeneca. His party calculated that the number of vaccines received was sufficient for all merchants, teachers, and lecturers in Surabaya. "We have already calculated it for merchants, teachers and lecturers, God willing, it will be enough and there may even be some leftovers. Well, we will data the rest later", he said.
Regarding the vaccine with the AstraZeneca brand, Cak Eri also ensures that it is halal and safe. Moreover, the East Java Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) also stated the same thing, that the AstraZeneca vaccine is safe and lawful to use.
"Alhamdulillah, the East Java MUI said that the use of AstraZeneca is not haram, instead it is safe or lawful to use", he said.
Therefore, Eri Cahyadi again emphasized to the public not to worry about the AstraZeneca vaccine. Because it is impossible for the state or government to give something that is not lawful or beneficial to its people.
"I convey to all traders and the people of Surabaya, God willing, this vaccine is the best. What the government gives to the community is so that they can be free from the COVID-19 pandemic", he said.
"God willing, this vaccine is definitely safe, and this vaccine has benefits for longing (you) all. So that together with this mutual cooperation, we can immediately resolve the COVID-19 pandemic in the city of Surabaya in particular," he said.