Meta AI Will Launch Like 'Bot' On WhatsApp

JAKARTA Meta AI, an Artificial Intelligence (AI) tool from Meta, is being tested on the WhatsApp platform. This intelligent assistant not only creates images, but also receives a variety of simple commands. The interesting thing about Meta AI on WhatsApp is that this advanced technology can be accessed inside the chat room. Users can apply for any command, including creating and editing images. Later, this AI tool will respond in the form of a photo. Reporting from Android Police, when the user asks for a dog image at a wedding, the official Meta AI chat room supported by Llama 3 will directly send the requested image. If something is lacking, the user can give further commands. Submitting commands in a chat room like this may remind some users with a sticker-making bot. When they submit the command, the bot will immediately respond according to what is ordered.

Although currently the function of the Meta AI chat room is still very simple, it will help WhatsApp users. When users want to quickly generate AI photos, they don't need to switch applications because there is already an AI Meta. For now, Meta AI is still being tested in the US in a limited language. It is not yet known when this AI feature will be released in a stable and extended version to more countries that use such messaging platforms. In the future, Meta AI chat rooms can be used to answer more complex questions. WhatsApp users can learn new languages, code, and submit various other complicated tasks.