Telegram Has Voice Chat 2.0 Feature, Users Can Now Chat Like Clubhouse

JAKARTA - Audio-based social media such as Clubhouse are emerging with new features that make other platforms feel competitive. For example, Twitter has introduced a new feature called Spaces which is similar to Clubhouse.

Now, Telegram also adopts the concept promoted by the Clubhouse. Telegram brings new features in its update. A feature called Voice Chat 2.0 was actually introduced at the end of last year. Currently, it is again presented with more advanced development.

This Voice Chat feature allows Telegram users to voice chat on the Telegram Channel which has thousands of members. Telegram also does not limit the number of chat listeners on Voice Chat.

“No matter how popular the conversation is, new people will be able to listen. This is like the reinvention of public radio in the 21st century", Telegram said in a blog post.

Admins and group members can record conversations that are carried out through this feature. Not only can they record, but they can also share the conversation with other users.

When the conversation progresses, the members in the group will be muted. Only the speaker can discuss the chat topic. For members who want to talk, they can tell the admin by tapping the raise hand image.

Group admins can also give out invitations to share with other users such as Clubhouse. Users can also choose to use channel accounts or personal accounts when joining Voice Chat.

"Celebrities and public figures can use this method to avoid attention if they use their personal accounts", said Telegram.

For additional information, this Telegram Voice Chat feature is already available on the Google Play Store and App Store. This means that this feature can be used by Android phone owners. This is different from Clubhouse which is only available for iOS users.