For Those Of You Who Participated In The State University National Entrance Exam 2021, The Results Are Out. Here's How You Check Them

JAKARTA - The announcement of the results of the 2021 State University National Entrance Exam (SNMPTN) can be checked today, Monday, March 22 at 15.00 p.m. local time.

Participants will later be able to see the SNMPTN results from the official website of the University Entrance Exam Institute (LTMPT) or the State Universities (PTN) site which is designated as the mirror site.

The official page for the announcement of the 2021 SNMPTN results can be accessed at

Results can be accessed by including participant personal data online via a computer device and cannot be accessed by other people.

The selection results will be personal so that the LTMPT will not provide the selection results and personal data to other parties, other than the participants and the State Universities.

Meanwhile, the mirror page is a page from a number of universities that will display the same results as what was announced on the LTMPT website.

The mirror page is displayed as a subdomain of the State Universities site that has been appointed by the SNMPTN committee.

Here's how to check the 2021 SNMPTN announcement

SNMPTN participants need to log into the LTMPT portal, namely

Participants must prepare their registration number and date of birth.

To find out the registration number, please take the participant card that has been printed when completing the SNMPTN registration.

Or, you can also directly access the announcement via the page.

Make sure your internet connection is stable while checking the SNMPTN 2021 announcement.

For those who have passed, there are a number of processes that must be carried out, including re-registration.

This re-registration process requires a number of documents and requirements, which are the policies of each state university (PTN).

Therefore, participants who pass must check the information at each PTN, including the deadline for re-registration.

Meanwhile, for those who do not pass, they can immediately register themselves to take the Computer-Based Writing Test (UTBK) Joint Selection for State Universities (SBMPTN) and the Independent selection.

UTBK-SBMPTN registration is still open until April 1. Meanwhile, the implementation of UTBK was carried out in two second waves. Namely, on April 12-18 and May 26-2 with health protocols.

The quota details, for SNMPTN a minimum of 20 percent, SBMPTN at least 40 percent, and a maximum of 30 percent for Mandiri selection.

For information, there are three entry routes for PTNs determined by the government. The SNMPTN selection process is based on academic scores and other achievements determined by PTN.

SBMPTN selection is based on the results of computer-based written exams (UTBK) and other criteria jointly determined by PTN. Meanwhile, for the independent selection, you can use the UTBK value.