7 Ways To Change Bad Habits To Healthier

YOGYAKARTA Bad habits are unhealthy behavior that is automatically not healthy. For example, don't brush your teeth before bed or forget to put your seat belt on the car. This bad habit tends not to be realized and is even forgotten without thinking about its negative effects.

Bad habits can also be in the form of social behavior. For example, when dominating conversations or when it always pleases others by never rejecting their requests. Examples of other bad habits, such as skipping meals, drinking less, biting nails when stressed or bored, likes to give advice that is not asked, staying up late for things that are not a priority, to listening to loud music.

There is a myth that many people believe that it will take 21 days to form new habits. But according to research, it takes an average of 66 days to build new habits. To change bad habits to healthier, here are the tips.

Behavior is said to be bad because there are consequences to be borne. For example, a bad diet makes stomach acid fall short. Explore the reasons why you have to change bad habits, help you stay motivated. Write what you want to get by changing bad habits to new ones that are healthier. Also write down what you don't want to change as well as the reason. Put the note in a place where you easily access, including when you start to give up or be disappointed because the goal is still so far away.

Determining the right goal is an important step. Because if the goal is too difficult, too common, it cannot be measured, it can even lead you back to old habits. Launching HelpGuide, Sunday, July 21, being specific is important to define the goal to make it easier to move to achieve it. Also, make measurable goals, such as waking up every day, changing television watch one hour for exercise, or using a pocket not disposable when shopping.

Making a realistic goal is also important. Also consider a small, gradual goal to implement. Next, trace your longing to identify the extent to which you are moving. Celebrate a small win to be more motivated.

Sometimes bad habits are difficult to identify. But usually, triggered by unpleasant things. For example, start biting nails when you get unpleasant news. Knowing the trigger for bad habits, encourages understanding that can then change it with new habits.

Maybe one bad habit has many triggers. For example, you waste spending because of stress, continuous access to gadgets, or at the store with friends.

Making a plan in every action that changes behavior is the most effective. Because, you can be more observant about what the obstacles are when getting used to new, healthier habits. That way, you can more easily anticipate or prepare yourself for these obstacles.

Bad behavior involves the element of remoteness. So stay alert and stay mindful is important when replacing bad habits with healthier ones. In addition to staying caring, identify what you were feeling at that time. This is the goal to identify what triggers thwarted the plan.

Just because it has succeeded in shaping healthier habits, the task is over. In fact, old behavior can happen again. So developing new habits must be sustainable. Update those around you who have a good influence on your new habits. Don't forget, love yourself and always learn strategies that help you get on the right track.

If bad habits are very difficult to change and interfere with your daily function, consider your own condition. Find professional mental health help if you need it. For example, when sleeping excessively due to depression, experiencing eating disorder, obsessive disorder, to addiction.

Those are seven tips for changing bad habits to be healthier. It is important to know, changing habits is not instantaneous and not easy. So compassion for yourself and those around you is very important in order to get support and minimize stress or feelings of stress.