Many Health Workers Have Not Received Incentives, DPR Member Of PKS Faction: Their Modern Patriotism Must Be Respected

JAKARTA - A number of health workers, some time ago, admitted that they had not received incentives during the pandemic. Responding to this, a member of the House of Representative (DPR) from the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) faction, Aboe Bakar Al-Habsyi, said that health workers who have struggled to treat COVID-19 patients must continue to be supported and respected.

"We must respect their work, and support what has been done," said Aboe Bakar in his written statement on Saturday, March 20.

He also gave high appreciation to the nurses and medical personnel who had devoted themselves during the pandemic.

"What they are doing is in line with the values that exist in Pancasila. They are carrying out their duties for the sake of healing COVID-19 patients," he said.

According to him, the attitude of the health workers is a form of modern patriotism, where they must work hard in the midst of the spread of the COVID-19 virus. In fact, risking their own safety in order to carry out humanitarian tasks.

"Many of them have to sacrifice their families as well. That means they cannot go home and occupy boarding houses for months. This is modern patriotism, in accordance with the values in Pancasila," explained the member of Commission III of the House of Representative of the Indonesian Republic (DPR RI).