Unggah Curhat Edward Akbar After Being Sued For Divorce, Natasha Border Gives Ultimatum
JAKARTA - Shocking news came from the couple Edward Akbar and KimberlyRIDer. Ahead of their 6th year of marriage, Kimberly sued for divorce from Edward to the Central Jakarta Religious Court.
After the lawsuit went public, Edward Akbar made an upload in the form of writing on Instagram. He also shared news about the lawsuit and mentioned the KimberlyRIDer account.
"Astaghfirullah. Pray that everything can be good, ma @kimbrlyryder for us and Rayden and Aisyah, without intervention from any party. Moreover, those who do not know our real journey," wrote Edward Akbar.
Edward also considers this lawsuit not made on the basis of Kimberly's thoughts but there is interference from other parties. Edward himself did not mention who the party was referring to.
"It's a pity for my child. I know this is not the result of my own death. Bismillah, Allahu Akbar Bismillah. Istighfar ma," he continued.
However, the upload seemed to have received a response from Kimberly's younger brother, Natasha Border. He questioned the meaning of the writing addressed to his brother-in-law.
"How cool are you. What are you looking for?" wrote Natasha Border.
"Please block me in IG. But don't try to make drama with my brother," he said.
Kimberly Border filed for divorce from Edward Akbar and their inaugural trial will be held on July 24. At the same time, Kimberly also asked for custody from her two children with Edward.