Foreign Minister Lemmy Calls For Ceasefire In Gaza, PLO Asks UK To Admit Palestinian State

JAKARTA - Foreign Minister David Lemmy called for an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, when he met with a number of parties related to the conflict during his first visit to the Middle East region.

Foreign Minister Lemmy is known to meet a number of officials in Israel and Palestine. Apart from Prime Minister Benjamin Israel Netanyahu and Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammad Mustafa. He also met with Israeli President Isaac Herzog and Executive Committee Secretary of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) Hussein Al-Sheikh.

"Our message is clear: an immediate ceasefire, the release of all hostages, the protection of civilians, unlimited access to aid in Gaza and the road to a two-state solution," Foreign Minister Lemmy tweeted.

While citing the UK Government website, Foreign Minister Lemmy is said to focus on Britain's diplomatic role in helping end the conflict in Gaza, making progress towards long-term peace and security in the Middle East.

"Deaths and destruction in Gaza are intolerable. This war must end immediately, with an immediate ceasefire, which is obeyed by both sides. Fighting must be stopped, the hostages who are still being held cruelly by the Hamas terrorists must be released immediately and aid must be allowed in to reach Gaza's people without restrictions," said Foreign Minister Lemmy.

"I met with Israeli and Palestinian leaders to emphasize Britain's ambitions and commitments, to play its full diplomatic role in securing a ceasefire agreement and creating space for a credible and irreversible path towards a two-state solution,"

The British Foreign Minister is also said to be announcing aid worth 5.5 million for UK-Med, in order to support ongoing work to provide humanitarian assistance and medical care for them in Gaza.

"The world needs a safe and protected Israel alongside a viable and sovereign Palestinian state," he said.

Meanwhile, PLO Executive Committee Secretary Hussein Al-Sheikh called on Britain to work to stop Israeli aggression in Gaza and the West Bank, while accepting Foreign Minister Lemmy in Ramalah, quoted from WAFA July 15.

He also called for the Palestinian Authority to return to Gaza in accordance with a comprehensive political solution that ended the occupation, in accordance with international legitimacy resolutions.

Sheikh also called for a new British government to recognize the Palestinian State.

As previously reported, British Prime Minister Keir Starmer reiterated his support for the recognition of the Palestinian State, as he spoke with President Mahmoud Abbas earlier this month after his inauguration.

Discussing the importance of reform, and ensuring international legitimacy for Palestine, PM Starmer said his long-standing policy of acknowledgment to contribute to the peace process has not changed, asserting it is an undeniable right of Palestinians.

"Discussing the importance of reform, and ensuring international legitimacy for Palestine, the Prime Minister said his long-standing policy of recognition to contribute to the peace process has not changed, and it is an undeniable right of Palestinians," a Downing Street spokesman said., reported The Independent.

Meanwhile, President Abbas expressed his belief that the formation of a new British government would contribute to increasing the bond of friendship and mutual cooperation between the two countries and friendly communities.