Said Didu Content Considered Instigating Residents, Alliance Of Ormas In Tangerang Asks Police To Intervene

TANGERANG Regency - A number of community organizations (Ormas) in the North Coast (Pantura) area of Tangerang Regency criticized Said Didu's statement on social media. They consider what the former SOE secretary of 2005-2010 has done, has incited and provoked residents, especially residents of Pantura Tangerang.

Herwin, a representative from PAC Kosambi District, said that he and other mass organizations such as GRIB Jaya, FBR, BPPKB were disturbed by Said Didu's statements. They think Said Didu wants to spread hatred for the development process being carried out by developers.

"Developers want to build our territory so that it progresses, but for some reason, Said Didu goes through various social media as if he wants to incite and provoke residents so that they are anti-development," he said.

Herwin also hopes that the police will immediately handle the reports they have made and immediately process Said Didu to maintain peace and conduciveness of residents in Pantura.

"The police must be firm and dare to arrest Said Didu even though he is a former official," he said.

Meanwhile, the chairman of the Village Government Association (APDESI) Tangerang Regency, H Maskota confirmed that the residents of Pantura were greatly disturbed due to Said Didu's unilateral statement. According to Maskota, residents are very worried that Said Didu's statement could disrupt the development process that is being carried out in their area.

"Mr. Said Didu knows what, as far as I know he is not a resident of Tangerang so he will not know the real condition and what the residents here want. Moreover, what Said Didu said was not true," explained the man who also serves as Chair of the Tangerang Regency Village Government Association (APDESI).

Maskota is worried that people will be increasingly disturbed and restless due to the many lies. Because according to him, various land sales transactions to the developer were carried out voluntarily and without coercion, let alone violence and the price was in accordance with the agreement.

"We want this matter to be investigated immediately, because Said Didu's statements seem to incite and divide the citizens," he explained.

H Maskota also said that so far the developer's contribution to regional development has been very large, including helping the increase in Regional Original Revenue (PAD) of Tangerang Regency which is quite significant.

"The presence of developers in Pantura can increase the PAD of Tangerang Regency to more than 7 trillion per year," he explained.

Still, according to Maskota, the development of Pantai Indah Kapuk 2 (PIK2) has succeeded in absorbing significant labor from the surrounding community.

"The existence of this development makes our residents who were previously unemployed can now work in the various professions needed in the development area," he said.