4 Ways To Get Rid Of Fat In Meat Sups, Apply These Steps

YOGYAKARTA - Sup is one of the favorite dishes that many people like. This food is loved because it offers warmth, delicious taste, and varied fillings in it. Sup is the most delicious to eat when the atmosphere is cold or at night to warm the body.

Although this dish is quite popular, some people are still worried about the fat content in the soup. People who live a healthy lifestyle usually think about eating soup. Excessive fat can reduce the nutritional quality of the filling of the soup and reduce the taste and texture of the dish.

But you don't need to be confused, because there are several ways to get rid of fat in the soup. For those of you who want to consume the soup more healthily, understand tips for eliminating fat content in the soup.

The soup for chicken and beef is one of the most consumed types of soup. Although it has a nutritious content, if you are wrong in cooking, the soup can contain excessive fat. Meat soup can produce a lot of fat soup.

There is a lot of fat in the soup, of course, making soup is not delicious when eaten. If you find soup like this, don't worry anymore. Here are some ways to get rid of fat in the soup to stay healthy and delicious when consumed:

One way you can do to deal with excess fat in the soup is to use ice cubes. Place ice cubes in a bowl to keep the soup spoon cold. Dip the soup spoon into the ice bowl regularly to stay cold and ready for use.

To do this method, you have to use a metal spoon. Let the spoon be submerged in water that ices for a few minutes. If so, then sweep the spoon into hot soup.

When a spoon is cold, the fat accumulated on the surface of the sauce will thicken on the centok. You just need to go through the excess fat in the soup soup. Move the spoon on the surface of the brush so that it can dredge the fat as much as possible.

Another tip to get rid of fat in the soup is to leave the broth in the refrigerator overnight. Fats in the broth will rise to the surface and harden, making it easy to separate. This method is the simplest and most effective method to get rid of fat.

Use a large metal spoon to lift the fat floating on the surface of the hot broth. Slowly slide the lower part of the soup spoon along the surface of the broth. The hardening fat will stick to the spoon, while the delicious broth remains below.

Repeatedly, clean the lower part of the soup spoon with tissue or cloth to remove attached fat. If you want to repeat the fat-creating spoon, make sure the spoon is always clean so that the fat-separation process remains effective.

How to remove fat in the soup can also be done by cooling the broth first. This tip can be said to be an easier way. You only need to store the broth that has been tightly closed in the refrigerator for 6-8 hours or until the fat on the surface freezes. After that, you can easily lift the hardening fat using a spoon.

Those are some ways to get rid of fat in the soup that you can try yourself. If you buy meat soup, you have to be patient waiting for the queue. Don't forget to check your soup soup, whether there are more. Also read tips for choosing good fatty foods.

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