Wantimpres Will Be Turned Into DPA, Legislative Council Of The House Of Representatives Make Sure It's Not Like The New Order Era

JAKARTA - Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives Baleg Achmad Baidowi ensured that the change in the nomenclature of the Presidential Advisory Council (Wantimpres) which will be changed to the Supreme Advisory Council (DPA) will not be like the New Order era. The reason is, the authority to form a DPA remains in the hands of the President as the highest authority holder. "The DPA that Baleg is currently designed is not a DPA like a new order, because we obey the constitution. Article 16 of the Constitution'45 states that the president has formed a deliberative council, there is no mention of what the consideration council. His name can be a presidential deliberative council, can be a grand deliberative council, can be a noble deliberative council," Awiek told reporters, Friday, July 12. Awiek explained that the position of DPA on the revision of the Wantimpres Law has not changed. He said, the functions and authorities of the DPA are still the same as that of the Wantimpres. Because the DPA was also formed by the president of the Republic of Indonesia. "Indeed, the position of the institution is not as high as a state institution, not only as a state institution, (so the DPA is only) at the level of state institutions. Yes, the ministries of state institutions, BPIP, KSP, the Authority Agency, it is a state institution, yes at that level because it was formed by the president," he explained.

"So don't as if the DPA is like a new order, different, its functions and authorities are different. Its functions and authorities are the same as the Wantimpres," Awiek added.

Sekretaris Fraksi PPP DPR itu pun mengingatkan semua pihak bahwa penyusunan RUU Wantimpres oleh Baleg DPR dilakukan secara terbuka yang bisa diliput media dan dilihat masyarakat.

"And friends, please note, the preparation of the Wantimpres Bill is carried out openly, nothing is covered up," said Awiek.