South Jakarta Metro Police Opens Mediation Space For BCL Husbands
South Jakarta Metro Police facilitated mediation space for reporters in the alleged embezzlement of Rp6.9 billion in cash in the name of reported Tiko Aryawardhana, Bunga Citra Lestari's husband. The reporter is Tiko's ex-wife, namely Arina Winarto.
"We from the South Jakarta Metro Police are wide open and provide as expected by the Chief of Police regarding restorative justice (RJ). We provide opportunities and provide facilities for facilities if there is a request for mediation, we will facilitate it," explained the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the South Jakarta Metro Police, AKBP Bintoro when confirmed, Friday, July 12.
Bintoro explained that each case does not have to receive certainty of justice. Therefore, the existence of an RJ room can be a solution for the reporter and the reported party facilitated by the police.
"As we know that in legal goals, it is not only certainty of justice, but also benefit, where if it is beneficial for both parties we will support it," he concluded.