Residents Of Makassar Village, East Jakarta, Who Know This Man, Immediately Report To The Police

JAKARTA The identity of the man who was caught on CCTV cameras, which is certain that the man's action made a cake trader on Jalan Bakti, Kampung Makasar, East Jakarta suffer a large loss. The reason is, the motorcycle used to sell cakes, allegedly stolen by the man.

In the CCTV footage, it is quite clear the face of the alleged perpetrator. Therefore, residents of Makassar Village, East Jakarta who know the face can report to the police.

Information obtained, the theft was carried out right in front of the victim's stall. At the time of the incident, Thursday, July 11, the victim's motorbike was parked in front of the kiosk.

In the CCTV camera footage, the perpetrator alone. Slowly he approached the victim's motorbike while monitoring the situation.

After feeling safe enough, the perpetrator quickly managed to break into the motorcycle key with the letter T key. Then he turned on the motorbike and left to go to monitor the situation.

The perpetrator is suspected of deliberately turning on the motorbike as if it was turned on by the owner.

However, after the situation was safe enough, the perpetrator quickly returned to the victim's motorbike and took him away.

"The usual motorbike is taaro (parking) here because the production is making cakes. Maybe it's targeted again," said Wondo, the victim who owns the motorbike to reporters, Friday, July 12.

The perpetrator is suspected to be the same person as the previous motorcycle theft. Wondo said, twice in the same location, an automatic type motorcycle.

"In the past, Mio's motorbike was also missing, it has been 3 weeks. Not yet a month, 2 motorbikes have been lost," he said.

The victim, the motorcycle owner, hopes that the perpetrator will be caught soon so that there will be no more theft at that place.

"The perpetrator was on camera one person. He walked. He broke first (the key hole), when the motorbike was on, he kept going again to see the situation. Then he came back again and the motorbike was taken away," he said.

Even though he has been a victim of motorcycle theft twice, Wondo has not made a police report.

"The police haven't reported it yet," said the man selling the wet cake.