3 Motorcycle Thief Specialists In Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta Arrested, 2 Colleagues In Pursuit

Police arrested three motorcycle theft specialists who acted in the parking area of the Jus Kode Shop on Kelapa Nias Highway, Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta (Jakut). Kelapa Gading Police Chief, Kompol Maulana Mukarom said the three perpetrators, namely Lutfi Ardiansyah, Nur Iksan and Veri Pratama, were arrested on Jalan Pegangsaan, Tanah Merah, Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta, Tuesday, June 25.

"The three perpetrators were arrested in Pegangsaan, Tanah Merah, Kelapa Gading, June 22, 2024. The perpetrators took two motorbikes parked in front of the shop," said Kompol Maulana Mukarom to reporters at the Kelapa Gading Police, Thursday, July 11.

Maulana explained that the arrest of the suspect began with the victim's report, Tamara Anjar and Diah Rahmat, who lost two motorbikes at once at Jus Kode on Kelapa Gading Street, Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta.

After the two victims made a report, the police conducted an investigation and arrested the perpetrators.

"It was revealed that there were about 5 perpetrators using 2 Honda Beat motorbikes, wearing face coverings and one of the perpetrators carrying sickles," he said.

Five of the perpetrators who were targeted for the operation have been caught by two people. The rest are being chased by the police.

"Meanwhile, other actors are being pursued and developed, we ask for prayers," he said.

"It's a sickle to break the doubles key in the parking lot," explained Maulana.

In addition, the three perpetrators also tested positive for drugs.

"The motorbike was taken by the perpetrators, and sold to collectors of 2.5 million to buy drugs. Urine is positive," he said.

The suspects were charged with Article 363 paragraphs 1 4 and 5 of the Criminal Code with the threat of 7 years in prison.