School Holidays Will End, Uniform Traders At Ciputat Market Are Flooded With Buyers

TANGERANG The school holiday is coming to an end. The students will soon return to school. At the same time, sellers of children's school uniforms in South Tangerang (Tangsel) admitted that they were flooded with buyers.

One of the school uniforms sellers admitted that he could sell 100 school uniforms a day at the Ciputat traditional market, South Tangerang.

Azza Nur Fitriani, one of the uniform sellers, said that this year's uniform sales had increased prices by up to 10 percent. Nur said, approaching the school date, sales of uniforms sold hard, could run out of 100 uniforms in one day.

"It can be 100 per day. It has increased, since the beginning of July (2024). When compared to the previous 80-90 pcs," said Azza at Ciputat Market, Ciputat, South Tangerang, Thursday, July 11.

Regarding the price of uniforms, Azza said there was an increase in the price of only Rp1-2 thousand.

"If the price varies depending on the size. It only increases by 1, 2,000. The most it sells, it's the same. Because it comes together," he said.

Diana Wulandari, a uniform buyer at Ciputat traditional market, South Tangerang admitted that she had no problem with the price of uniforms rising, even though it was only a difference of two thousand rupiahs.

Because according to Diana, school uniforms are a necessity that must be owned by children, especially before entering school.

"Incidentally, my children entered school, entered elementary and junior high school. I bought equipment at our subscription place. Yes, as usual, uniforms and attributes for children," he said.