Get To Know 5 Signs Your Relationship And Your Partner Will Last A Long Time

JAKARTA - Almost all couples who are in serious relationships and are committed to wanting to survive forever. Who wants to invest their time, energy, and emotions in someone who will eventually break their heart, right?

If you're in a new relationship and wonder what you should do to get the best chance with your partner forever, consider trying this out.

Here are five things that can be seen from the beginning of the relationship which indicates that a relationship will last forever as reported by Psychology Today, Wednesday, July 10.

One sign of the relationship will last a long time, namely when you and your partner feel comfortable with each other over time. You and the one are easy to unite. In addition, they are willing to enter each other's experiences but are not trapped in them. Still have clear attachment and commitment to each other, but are not controlled at all by each other's needs. They can say 'no' or 'yes' to requests without fear of being considered refusing.

At the beginning of the relationship, things were all very fun. However, gradually challenges escalate and quarrels are inevitable. If small fights begin you and your partner overcome them, it means that your relationship will last a long time. Overcoming problems is usually done by finding solutions and compromise that ensures that your needs and that he feels heard and respected.

Do you and your partner accept each other as it is without trying to change each other? If the answer is yes, you will most likely stay together longer even for life. Accept your partner as it is means you accept your beliefs, weaknesses, and habits, either the same as you (or not).

Sometimes, when you are frustrated, stressed, disappointed, or even bored with your relationship, you tend to blame your partner for being unhappy. It's easier to see your partner's mistakes.

If you want to be happy in a relationship, you have to stop focusing on your partner's imperfections. On the other hand, you should focus more on how you will change the way you react to your partner's shortcomings and behavior.

Respecting someone makes them feel happy with the efforts that have been made. Sometimes you forget to say 'thank you' to your partner even though he always helps you. Not admitting your partner's efforts make him feel underestimated.

When you show appreciation to your partner, you make them feel valuable and meaningful. She will feel happy and loved because you make her feel that you are grateful for what she is doing and as an imbalance, she will make you feel valued when you do something for her.