7 Signs Of Too Controlling Behavior That Restricts Others
YOGYAKARTA Everyone wants to have control of their own lives. But to control their life, one doesn't realize the boundaries so that they control other people's lives. If you feel controlled by someone who is too controlling, of course you won't feel comfortable. It can even trigger shame, anger, or feel inferior. In severe cases, a person who is controlled may face threats, intimidation, and harassment.
Then does this behavior control too much, including paranoia? Or is it anxiety that inflames that triggers a person to want to control everything? Apparently, launching WebMD, Tuesday, July 9, control behavior has a level. At the most extreme conditions, a person can behave coercively control. Which is intimidation, isolation, and threats to terrorize hard.
Control behavior is caused by the urge to control. Most commonly experienced by a person with anxiety disorders and personality disorders. Control behavior can also be a symptom of several personality disorders, such as histrionic personality, borderline personality, and eccentric personality. The following is a sign of behavior overcontrol on a light scale that can be discussed with the perpetrators and tells them that their behavior affects you.
People who like to control often force everyone to do everything they want. Even for small problems, controllers like to manage based on their personal choices. For example, someone who forces their lover to change clothes because they don't like the model. They will use every means to control it according to their wishes.
No one is happy when they admit their mistakes. But the person who controls it doesn't seem capable even if they admit a mistake. Even when they do something wrong, they will find a way to blame others for the mistakes that have occurred.
If you win, no matter how small, you can rely on people who control your life. But it needs to be recognized, he always wants to be the center of attention. That is, people who behave in controlling want to always win and be the center of attention. Even when you win it.
People who behave in control will make people his secretary believe in what they will do next. They may be adrift so that it makes people around him do what they want. The goal is to keep people around them always guessing and focused on them.
Controlling others means controlling one's own reality. If truth is the foundation of reality, then people who behave control often lie to deny reality and prove they are always right. They may insist on denying anything that doesn't match reality.
If you are in a relationship with people who like to control, they may want to handle all their money. They may claim that they are better than you or that you spend too much money. Furthermore, they want to control access to control what you do.
One of the most disturbing ways someone might do to control is to control the movements of people around them. They may want to know where you are all the time. Whether it's with threats, intimidation, or ridicule, they're trying to isolate you from other supportive people in your life.
In mild cases, if you find signs of someone who behaves too much above, you can be finely reprimanded. Explain that you feel disturbed by this behavior. How to handle it can be decided after measuring the severity of the control behavior. If the control behavior is deemed annoying, you can seek help from support systems, friends, family, or professionals.