Kim Jong Un And Several Dictators In The World

Kim Jong Un, the leader of North Korea (North Korea), is known to the world as the leader of the country. Those who received or felt the cruelty were not only ordinary citizens, but also families.

One of the terrible stories that happened to Kim Jong Un's family is the story of his own uncle, Jang Song-Thaek. The uncle was sentenced to death, but the way he used was very heinous.

Kim Jong Un is the leader of the most cruel country today. In the past, there were also some country leaders who were very cruel and did not pay attention to the human side. Here are a number of atrocities of Kim Jong Un and other state leaders.

In early 2014, Jang Song-Thaek was sentenced to death by Kim Jong Un. The uncle is accused of forming a new faction that could overthrow the government. Jang is also rumored to be involved in a corruption case.

Kim used a heinous way to beat her own uncle, namely with 120 dogs. Her uncle was tied up and then left to be bitten by the hungry dog.

The heinous execution was watched by 300 or more North Korean officials. The duration of the execution is about 1 hour.

In 2016 two officials, one person was a former Minister of Agriculture named Hwang Min, another senior official at the Ministry of Education, who was sentenced to death by being shot. However, the rifle used is an anti-aircraft weapon.

It was reported that Kim had killed eleven musicians accused of violating pornography (UU) laws. Quoted from The Independent, eleven musicians died in front of an anti-aircraft machine gun until their bodies were not shaped.

Cruel leaders do not only exist today. In ancient times there were also several country leaders who had historical history as cruel leaders. Here are some of them.

This man who is unique with a box mustache and a gahar face has been remembered by the world for being responsible for the deaths of millions of Jews in Europe. He is known as a person who carries the eugenetics, namely improving the human race by increasing the number of healthy people as well as throwing away sick or disabled people.

Hitler, including people, did not hesitate to kill his opponents in the Nazi Party in June 1934. The terrible incident was known as the Nacht der langen Messer or the Long Pisau Night.

Hitler even publicly announced that he would kill Jews in the world. He also built special camps equipped with gas chambers to ground Jews. In several years, about 6,000,000 Jews have died in the camp.

"I could destroy all the Jews in this world, but I leave a few who live, so that later you can find out why I killed them." That was one of Hitler's very famous remarks related to the Jewish genocide case.

Saloth Sar or more often referred to by Pol Pot is known as one of the very cruel leaders of the country. He is considered responsible for the deaths of about two million Cambodians, the country he leads.

In April 1975, the Khmer Merah or Khmermen succeeded in overthrowing Prince Shihanouk and General Lon Nol. The basis of the power of the Red Khmer is the farmers.

After Cambodia became a communist republic under the name of the Democratic Republic of Cambodia, Khieu Samphan became the first president. On May 13, 1976, Pol Pot occupied the seat of prime minister.

During the reign of the Red Khmer, people in urban areas were evacuated to the countryside. They must live together in the fields. If there are parties who oppose Pol Pot's political ideas and steps, death could end the person's story.

Not a few intellectual and religious figures were tortured and killed because they were deemed inconsistent with Pol Pot. Many Cambodians also died of hunger and illness. Pol Pot victims were buried en masse in the Choeung Ek area. The place is currently known as Killing Field.