State Losses Allegedly Corruption PJUTS Ministry Of Energy And Mineral Resources Rp64 Billion, Bareskrim Pockets Suspected Perpetrators
The Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police said that the alleged corruption in the procurement of lighting for the main road for solar power (PJUTS) is estimated to cause state losses of Rp. 64 billion.
Deputy Director of Corruption Crimes at Bareskrim Polri Kombes Arief Adiharsa said the value of the loss was only for the central region. This is because the PJUTS procurement project is known to be carried out in three areas, namely west, middle, and east.
"For the contract value of the central region alone, it is around Rp108 billion. The provisional estimate is that the loss is around Rp64 billion, while it is still in the process of being calculated by experts," said Arief when confirmed, Thursday, July 4.
The alleged corruption crime is said to have occurred in the 2020 period. Where, the PJUTS program is held by the Directorate General (Ditjen) of New Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation (EBTKE) of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources.
Regarding the results of the search, Arief has not detailed it. Arief only emphasized that the alleged perpetrators in this case had not been clearly stated.
"Of course there are suspects, but they have not been named (suspects)," said Arief.
PJUTS is a government program whose funds are sourced from the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN).
The PJU-TS installation program is implemented from the 2015 to 2023 fiscal year. The total PJU-TS installed is 135,719 units or equivalent to lighting a 6,785 km long road.
The PJU-TS installation program is a manifestation of the vision and mission of the President and Vice President of Indonesia, especially the third point mission, namely "Merata and Fair Development".