Kominfo Investigate Alleged PDNS 2 Data Leaks By Insiders

JAKARTA - A post on social media posted by the @kafiradalis X account claims that the cyber incident that attacked the Temporary National Data Center (PDNS) 2 is thought to have originated from insiders.

"To Yth @meutya_hafid, the leadership of Commission 1 of the DPR, we have received extraordinary data that the PDN leak is strongly suspected to have come from insiders since October 11, 2022," the account wrote.

...Kpd Yth @meutya_hafid pimpinan Komisi 1 DPR, kami mendapatkan data telak nan luar biasa bahwa kebocoran PDN diduga kuat berasal dari orang dalam sejak 11 Oktober 2022.Nama'y: Dicky Prasetya Atmaja.Dia bekerja di LintasArta.Dialah saksi mahkota, kok bisa? Thread! (``,) https://t.co/ukNisV6nci

The account also attached several pictures that strengthened his statement. Where the alleged perpetrator named Dicky Prasetya Atmaja who works in Lintas Arta, uploaded the secret documents related to PDNS publicly at Scribd.

"You can download all the documents he uploaded. All the secret documents. They were leaked on purpose. All cyber disasters since 2 years this could have started with this leaked document," he added.

Responding to this claim, the Director General of Informatics Applications (Aptica) of the Ministry of Communication and Informatics, Samuel Abrijani Pangerapan, said that several parties involved were conducting further investigations.

"Obviously, everyone who works, everyone is working, so BSSN (Syber Agency and State Password) is working, cyber crime is also working. Yes, this is in all investigations," said Semmy at the Kominfo Office on Thursday, July 4.

Semmy also has not disclosed what findings have been found. Because, the investigation process is still ongoing. "The name of the investigation is why you asked for findings," said Semmy.