Komnas HAM Will Investigate The Case Of The Death Of Tribrata TV Journalists Who Reported Gambling

JAKARTA - The National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) has stated that it will conduct an investigation regarding the death of a Tribrata TV journalist in North Sumatra (North Sumatra) in a fire incident.

"Komnas HAM will conduct monitoring and investigations to obtain information, data, and facts about the incident," said Komnas HAM Chairman Atnike Nova Sigiro as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, July 3.

The investigation, he continued, will be carried out in accordance with the mandate and authority of Komnas HAM as regulated in Article 89 paragraph (3) of Law (UU) Number 39 of 1999 concerning Human Rights.

In addition, Komnas HAM asked law enforcement officials to enforce the incident professionally, accountably, fairly, transparently, and provide justice for victims and their family members.

Komnas also urged the government to guarantee press freedom as the right to freedom of expression.

"Komnas HAM encourages the government to guarantee respect, protection, and fulfillment of press freedom as part of the right to freedom of expression and opinion," he said.

It is known that on June 27, 2024, Tribrata TV journalist Rico Perfect Pasaribu died along with three family members in his burning house in Kabanjahe, Karo Regency, North Sumatra.

The three members of the Rico family who died consisted of his wife Elfrida Boru Ginting ( 48 years old), son of Sudi Investasi Pasaribu (12 years old) and his grandson Loin Situkur (three years old).

The fire incident and the death of Rico and his three family members were allegedly related to online gambling news made by the victim before he died.

The Fact Finding Team from the North Sumatra Journalists Safety Commission (KKJ) consisting of the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) Medan, the North Sumatra Television Journalists Association (IJTI), Indonesian Photo Journalists (PFI) Medan, and the Medan Legal Aid Institute (LBH), also investigated the case. The results of their investigation show that there was a strong suspicion that the death of Rico and his family involved unscrupulous TNI soldiers.

The institution also urged the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo and the North Sumatra Police Chief to form a fair and immersive investigation team.

Meanwhile, regarding the alleged involvement of soldiers, the Press Council also urged the TNI Commander General Agus Subiyanto and the local Military Regional Commander (Pangdam) to also form an investigation team and investigate the allegations openly.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Indonesian Armed Forces Information Center (Kapuspen) Maj. Gen. Nugraha Gumilar said the TNI was waiting for a police investigation regarding the alleged involvement of soldiers in the case of Rico's death.

Nugraha gave a signal that at this time the TNI had not been able to confirm the truth of the soldiers involved in the case.

"We leave it to those who are investigating at this time. We are waiting for everything. So, this process is running. We are waiting for the institution to work. We'll just have to wait, hopefully everything can be clear in the near future," said Nugraha.