Menkumham Sahkan Aturan Pengelolaan Royalti Penggandaan Hak Cipta Buku, Jasa Fotokopi Juga Wajibbayar

JAKARTA - Minister of Law and Human Rights (Menkumham) Yasonna Laoly ratified Ministerial and Human Rights Regulation (Permenkumham) Number 15 of 2024 concerning Royalty Management of Securities for Copyright and/or Other Writing Work on June 12, 2024.This ratification has gone through a period of preparation and discussion for approximately one year involving various experts, academics, and practitioners in the field of copyright and booking."This “Permenkumham will provide legal certainty for book creators or other written works in obtaining royalties on the doubling of book creations and/or other papers, whether the doubling is done digitally or non-digitally,” Yasonna said in an official written statement in Jakarta, Antara, Wednesday, July 3.The regulation has long been awaited by creators and book publishers, both at home and abroad. It is hoped that the implementation will run well in the midst of society.Yasonna explained that those who are required to pay royalties in the newly ratified regulations include photocopying services, private businesses that carry out document multiplication activities, electronic system operators, broadcasting institutions, universities, educational institutions, to artificial intelligence (AI) developers.This “Permenkumham explicitly regulates that the right to withdraw royalties is only owned by LMK (Collective Management Institution) in the field of books and/or other written works that already have an operational permit,” he continued.He said LMK would withdraw royalties for secondary use of books or other written works, such as printing, photocopies, downloading via internet, distributing files (files) containing written works or books, and others.If there are educational institutions that are burdened by these provisions, he said, deliberation efforts can be made to adjust tariffs by submitting a letter of application to the LMK accompanied by supporting evidence.Yasonna added that the royalties that have been withdrawn by LMK will be collected and distributed to book creators and/or other written works that have become members of the LMK. LMK's performance and finances will be supervised by the supervisory team formed by the Minister of Law and Human Rights.Currently, there is one LMK in the field of books that have been formed, namely the Indonesian Issuance Association (IKAPI).
The membership of IKAPI recorded until January 2018 includes 1,488 members of publishers from all over Indonesia spread across Java, Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Bali, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), and Papua.