Learning From The Death Of Chinese Badminton Player Zhang Zhi Jie, Know The Golden Time First Aid To Stop The Heart

Many Chinese badminton players have died while competing in BAJC 2024. Based on an examination conducted at RSPAU Dr Hardjolukito and at Dr Sardjito Hospital, the cause of death was due to the victim experiencing cardiac arrest.

What is unfortunate is that at the time of the incident the victim's handling was not carried out immediately. Even though there is still a golden time cardiac arrest which if properly handled, the athlete's life can still be saved.

Reporting from AI Care, cardiac arrest is a condition where the heart suddenly stops beating so that blood pumping does not occur. This condition is different from a heart attack caused by a blockage of blood flow going to the heart. Although a heart attack can lead to a cardiac arrest.

When there is a sudden problem with the heart, the opportunity for the patient's life to survive is still there as long as proper treatment is done during the golden time of cardiac arrest.

Golden time or also a golden hour in a heart attack is a time when there are opportunities that will affect the safety of the lives of patients with heart disease. If this golden time is put to good use in the sense that medical treatment is carried out, there is still the possibility that the patient's life will be saved. On the other hand, if at that time no treatment will be carried out, then life can be confirmed to be lost.

Golden time itself is related to the duration of heart performance. Within 80-90 minutes, the heart muscle will die because it can't get blood intake. The heart will also be permanently damaged within 6 hours. Thus, heart treatment is highly recommended before 60 minutes.

As explained earlier, it is important to immediately carry out medical treatment during the golden hour of heart problems. So what actions should be taken?

In addition to handling, it is also important to know signs of cardiac arrest warning to minimize the risk of death.

That's information related to golden time cardiac arrest. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.