West Java Police: Determination Of Peti Setiawan As A Suspect According To Procedures

The West Java Regional Police's legal team confirmed that the determination of Pegi Setiawan as a suspect in the murder case of Vina and Eky in Cirebon had been carried out in accordance with applicable legal procedures.

The Head of Law for the West Java Regional Police, Kombes Nurhadi Handayani, said that the determination of Pegi as a suspect had passed a series of case titles attended by a number of internal police parties.

"Sudah melalui prosedur, gelar perkara yang dihadiri Irwasda (Inspektur Pengawasan Daerah), Bidkum (kebalan), kemudian Propam semuanya sudah," tutur Nurhadi dilansir ANTARA, Selasa, 2 Juli.

Nurhadi said the determination of the suspect's status against Pegi Setiawan was based on sufficient evidence and the results of a comprehensive investigation.

He said that his party had prepared three pieces of evidence that were strong enough to make Pegi a suspect in the case.

"For the evidence, starting from witness statements, letters, experts, then later the instructions that will be the domain by the judge, we will prepare at least three pieces of evidence that are quite strong in our answers later," said Nurhadi.

Nurhadi also denied the request for a pretrial lawsuit read by Pegi Setiawan's attorney who emphasized that the West Java Regional Police was suspected of having wrongly arrested his client.

"In the title of the case before determining the suspect, he has conducted a juridical analysis, both articles are applied, then all existing evidence has been submitted in the case," he said.