Many Stubborn Ship Passengers Who Refuse To Get Out Of The Car, NTSC: Indeed, Very Difficult

JAKARTA - There are a number of safety procedures that ship passengers must comply with when carrying their private vehicles across the water. One of them is that passengers are prohibited from remaining in their vehicles during the trip.

Not a few ship passengers are reluctant to leave their vehicles during the voyage. Though the ship has provided a place for passengers. Either because of the little travel time or because resting in the car is considered more comfortable.

Then, why not be in a vehicle while on a ship?

Chairman of the National Transportation Safety Committee or KNKT Soerjanto Tjahjono explained the reason why passengers are required to get off the vehicle when boarding a ship or ferry. He said, this was related to passenger safety during an emergency.

Furthermore, he said, when the ship was in an emergency condition, the passengers had to gather at the muster station. There, they will get various directions to deal with these conditions.

"If the ship is in an emergency condition, passengers must gather at a certain point and there will be a briefing. If he is in the car? How can he be directed," he said in a public dialogue event, 'Come on Congratulations Together', Wednesday, March 17.

According to Soerjanto, there are still many people who do not follow safety procedures on this ship. In fact, he said, the procedure was aimed for passenger safety.

"It is very difficult indeed, very difficult," he said.

On the same occasion, Secretary-General of the Ministry of Transportation, Djoko Sasono, appealed to ship passengers to pay attention to their safety and get out of the vehicle while on the ship.

"In terms of crossing, all ship passengers must leave the place to carry passengers. Only officers who are allowed to keep the vehicle in position are allowed," said Djoko.

Previously, the Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi said there were many factors that affect transportation safety. Among them are human resources, natural factors, and infrastructure.

Therefore, Budi asked stakeholders to increase collaboration. He said, improving safety played a role in realizing more advanced transportation and for the current economic and social recovery.

"To the stakeholders of the transportation sector, I encourage them to participate in optimizing all available resources, increasing safety actions, and encouraging the environment to improve transportation safety in Indonesia," said Budi.