Why Can't Babies Be Carried To The Front? This Is The Danger

YOGYAKARTA Carrying a baby cannot be done carelessly. The reason is because their body and tissue are still in the process of development. As a provision of parenting, parents must also know why babies should not be carried forward.

Parents who are holding the baby in the front direction may have good intentions. However, so that the baby remains safe and nothing bad is advised to know the reason.

The prohibition of holding the baby in the front direction does not only apply either to use or not using a carrying device. Here's the reason.

Carrying a baby against the front is not recommended because at that position, the baby's head and neck are not supported properly. This condition can lead to positional asphytics, namely the condition when the baby has no control over the neck and chin so that it falls into the chest. The position interferes with the baby's air channel.

The babies being carried face to face will make their feet hang. Even the same thing happens to the spine and hips. When that happens, hip development does not grow properly. Please note that the wrong position when carrying children can damage their body posture.

Not only for babies, the impact will also be felt by the mother. When carrying a position in the forward direction, the mother's backbone will be more curved than holding the baby by hugging her.

Oversimulation can be interpreted as a condition where babies get too much stimulation so they get tired easily. On the other hand, carrying a face facing the mother will help them identify the surrounding situation slowly and well.

Mothers also have to pay attention to babies, especially from their eyes, facial expressions, breathing, and some of them. Carrying a baby in front will hinder the mother's attention to the baby's condition. It is feared that when a baby feels a mother is late in responding to it.

Even though the mother is carrying a baby with a carrying device, the risk of pressure due to the device is still there. It is feared that too narrow carrying will disrupt the circulation of blood in some bodies.

Parents can carry the baby by facing the front as long as the right time. The following are signs that the baby can start being carried face to face.

Parents are also advised to equip themselves with carrying techniques while walking that can be applied when the baby is fussy.

That's information regarding why babies should not be carried against each other. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.