Indonesia Is A Country With The Most Sugar Daddies, A Survey Explains The Causes

JAKARTA - The dating site SeekingArrangement has conducted a survey that shows the countries with the highest number of sugar daddies in Asia. In Southeast Asia, Indonesia is the country with the highest number of sugar daddies.

How many sugar daddies in Indonesia? According to the survey the number reached 60,250. That number is the highest in Southeast Asia.

If drawn to a wider region, across Asia, Indonesia is in second place. The top position, the country with the most sugar daddies in Asia is India.

SeekingArrangement noted that there were 338 thousand sugar daddies in India. In third place, there are other Southeast Asian countries, namely Malaysia which has 32,500 sugar daddies.

The fourth to ten positions are occupied by:

4. Japan (32,500)

5. Hong Kong (28,600)

6.Taiwan (27,300)

7. Vietnam (12 thousand)

8. South Korea (8 thousand)

9. Sri Lanka (5 thousand)

10.Cambodia (3500)

A screenshot of the SeekingArrengement page

What causes the growth of sugar daddy phenomenon?

The SeekingArrangement survey also explains why there are so many sugar daddies in a country: the high cost of education.

Apart from the high cost of education, there is also a gap between rich and poor people which is the cause of the growth of sugar daddy phenomenon.

This survey also explains how many women, especially female students, deliberately seek out older and more established men to make ends meet.

"Platforms like SeekingArrangement help connect potential young women with richer and more affluent men who not only minimize their financial difficulties. But act as mentors or gateways in launching a promising future for the sugar babies," said SeekingArrangement CEO, Brandon Wade, as quoted by Malaymail, Wednesday 17 March.

In addition, the economic boom in the fast-growing Asian region has also brought in many foreign investors to set up businesses in the region. "So it's no surprise why Asia seems to be a hotbed of dating sugar, especially among urban demographics."

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