It Is Like A Goalkeeper Who Has Conceded A Lot, Budi Arie Is Reasonable To Be Fired

JAKARTA - The petition echoed by SafeNet to fire Minister of Communication and Information Budi Arie Setiadi is currently a form of struggle for the nation's children who want to defend their homeland in real terms. This is due to a leak in the national data center.

This was conveyed by Telematics and Multimedia Observer Roy Suryo to VOI through his written message, Saturday, June 29.

Roy strongly asked Budi Arie Setiadi to show his knights' attitude by resigning with respect. The man from Yogyakarta reasoned that if he was not replaced immediately, it would endanger all Indonesian people.

"It is better if the knights withdraw or be replaced. Because if they are not replaced, the entire bus passengers will be dangerous and disadvantaged, except for his superiors who are also involved there," said Roy Suryo.

According to Roy, based on the current calculation of the'scor' Indonesia represented by the Ministry of Communication and Information in this data matter, it is more than Haultrick (0-7). He added that the latest data leaks were data from the One Stop of Denpasar City, BPJS-Employment and DitJen HubUd Ministry of Transportation.

"So it's very natural for goalkeepers to concede up to a lot of it on red cards, unless they have a "play" with their team coaches/managers so they have a bargain or take each other hostage," he concluded.