8 Years Of Serving Shopee Users, JNE Gives Precise Time To Send Packages

JAKARTA - PT Tiki Line Nugraha Ekakurir or JNE strengthens its commitment to providing services to its consumers by providing a delivery time guarantee. JNE will provide this guarantee service for JNE customers on the Shopee platform.

As one of the national logistics companies that has more than 30 years of experience, JNE continues to adapt to developments in the digital era. JNE innovates through technology integration to ensure operational reliability in sending packages to customers.

With the development of the online shopping industry, the role of logistics companies is increasingly strategic because it is related to customer satisfaction. This has prompted JNE to take strategic steps by establishing partnerships, together with a number of well-known e-commerce players in Indonesia to remain relevant in competing in the digital era, one of which is Shopee.

JNE Senior Vice President Sales and Business Development, Agusnur Widodo, in partnership with Shopee has the same goal, namely to ensure customer satisfaction. The JNE and Shopee partnerships have been going on since 2016. This partnership has in fact brought many positive changes in the world of e-commerce and logistics in Indonesia.

"The cooperation that has been established between JNE and Shopee for eight years is able to provide convenience in responding to challenges in the midst of changing existing shopping trends. Moreover, the demand for volume for logistics services through e-commerce which continues to increase must be followed by innovations to provide satisfaction to customers," Agusnur Widodo told the media crew at the signing of Shopee Cooperation and Logistics Partners for the Timely Guarantee Program, quoted on Saturday, June 29.

Agusnur further explained that consumers will shop more frequently at online stores if the packages sent arrive on time.

"For this reason, logistics services that are sent on time not only increase customer satisfaction, but are also able to have a positive impact on the growth of MSMEs in Indonesia," added Agusnur Widodo.

Executive Director of Shopee Indonesia, Christin Djuarto, appreciates and welcomes the cooperation with logistics companies participating in the Timely Guarantee program.

"The quality of service and delivery speed are important for the growth of Shopee Sellers' businesses and maintaining Shopee Buyers' trust," he explained.

Through this collaboration, customers will receive compensation in the form of a Timely Guarantee voucher of IDR 10,000 if the orders sent by Anteraja, JNE, Pos Indonesia, and SiCepat exceed the delivery deadline. Customers can claim vouchers before the order status changes to order complete.

Quoted from the Southeast Asia Ecommerce Logistic Market 2024 report reported by Parcelmonitor, it was revealed that 80 percent of respondents would shop more frequently at online stores if the package received arrived on time and 87 percent of respondents stated that they would check out products when shopping online, if the store provided approximate information on time, compared to only information about the day of arrival of the package.