Holds Congress III In August, Will NasDem Change Ketum Or Still Led By Surya Paloh?

JAKARTA - The NasDem Party will hold a Congress III on August 25-27, 2024 in Jakarta. One of the main agendas of Congress III is the discussion of the continuation of the NasDem leadership and the change of management from the 2019-2024 period to 2024-2029.

Then, in the third Congress later, will NasDem have a new General Chair position and replace Surya Paloh or will he continue his leadership?

Chairman of the NasDem DPP Willy Aditya said that the determination of the general chairman of the new period of the party will still be discussed by the NasDem Party High Council. This is stated in the articles of association and household budget (AD/ART).

"It will be discussed, because the congress is in the basic budget of the Nasdem Party, the chairman is elected by the upper house," said Willy at the NasDem Party DPP office, Central Jakarta, Friday, June 28.

In its presentation, the High Council accommodates the aspirations of congress participants who are administrators from the branch to the center level. Then, the High Council will hold a parallel session to decide the results of the determination of the general chairman for the period 2024-2029.

"Later, the upper house will present their trial decisions and will be read out at the congress. The task of the SC (steering committee) only facilitates the congress, facilitates the aspirations of the DPD and DPW which were read out. Now, it was tried by the upper house," explained Willy.

For information, NaSdem will invite President Joko Widodo in the third Congress in the next two months. Secretary General of the NasDem Party, Hermawi Taslim, also revealed the reason NasDem invited Jokowi.

Hermawi explained, NasDem is a party that has been in Jokowi's government since his leadership from 2014 until it ends in 2024. Thus, it is a must for NasDem to present it in large-scale party activities.

"We will invite President Jokowi because we are part of the 10-year government. Loyalty (even though) being reviled, cursed, expelled. Finally, what took us out didn't come out either," explained Hermawi.

Apart from Jokowi, NasDem will also invite Prabowo Subianto as the elected President of 2024, along with Gibran Rakabuming Raka as the elected Vice President. In Congress III, NasDem will also discuss cooperation that will be built with the Prabowo-Gibran government.

"The elected president, we will invite him. Here, the true spirit we will invite him as part of the pre-congress, then we will explain later what points we can do together," said Hermawi.

In the third Congress, NasDem also asked Prabowo-Gibran to give a presentation on work programs and policies that will be implemented during the next five years of government.